Last night my slampiece came home to a trail of rose pedals. Much to her surprise they led her straight to the fridge, not the bedroom. TFM.

  1. AlphaO

    Fratdaddy you are such a romantic…

    and bless your hearts “true southern belle” & “classy&sratty” if ya’ll have time to be playing spell check on tfm perhaps ya’ll have too much free time on your hands can I suggest intermurals or joining a commitee or finding yourselves a fratdaddy to take care of in real life.

    14 years ago at 1:23 pm
    1. X to the Horseshoe

      Honey, you’re pathetic if you really believe this is romantic. And by pathetic, I mean dumb. I’m with true southern belle and classy&sratty, I’d rather have a smart frat daddy then a dumb one, because a guy that can’t spell isn’t exactly going places in life. You can keep him and be poor and pathetic forever though. 🙂

      14 years ago at 1:30 pm
    2. That One Fratty Guy

      I’m not “playing spell check” but knowing the difference between something on a bike and something on a flower is pretty important…

      14 years ago at 1:37 pm
    3. AlphaO

      Spelling something wrong doesn’t make you dumb… Everyone mispells things everyonce in a while. I would rather be with someone who is human and has a sense of humor than be with some jerk who is only useful cause he has money. My only point being is it’s silly to call someone NF over something so small. It’s a cute post and not serious so why critique. We are all Greek and while at all schools different organizatons are different and differ in quality we are all Greek and it’s a waste of energy to fight or be rude to one another, my intentions weren’t to be rude just to say lay off nicely sweetheart.

      14 years ago at 1:50 pm
    4. classyandsratty

      Don’t say that “true southern belle” and I have too much time on our hands when you’re the one writing paragraph-length defense statements to everyone’s remarks. I realize that I too am writing a response, so this might be hypocritical….but might I suggest intramurals or joining a committee or finding yourself a fratdaddy to take care of in real life….instead of harping on everyone here? Thanks.

      14 years ago at 2:18 pm
    5. brodo frattins

      “We are all Greek and while at all schools different organizatons are different and differ in quality we are all Greek” hahahha nice try AlphaO

      14 years ago at 2:27 pm
    6. Mean Bro Green

      Hahaha classyandsratty both put it down on AlphaO with her own line and simultaneously corrected her spelling of “intramurals.” That’s game.

      14 years ago at 6:42 pm
  2. SoSrattyUGA

    Rose pedals? Like the kind that you can affix to the pedals of your bicycle? Seriously?! I made a trail of rose petals that led straight to that rose-bedazzled bike of yours. NF.

    14 years ago at 2:01 pm
    1. LegacyFrat

      This site is terrible at spell-check. They let “Completeing” through on one.

      14 years ago at 2:29 pm