Wearing my yellow game day pants, making pledges carry my cooler, and having 2 sorostitues on my arm. TFM.

  1. Fratinson

    Who’s house is that to the right of y’alls on robin hood trail? They had a band playing today.

    14 years ago at 3:45 pm
  2. Fratlanta

    ok Georgia State’s first EVER football game was this past thursday. NF. Thursday games also NF. Georgia state begged my school to move our game to a thursday which took a day off our fall break. NF. Fuck you georgia state. Fuck you.

    14 years ago at 8:32 pm
    1. Fratlanta

      sorry im drunk, thought it said georgia state, i realize it actually says georgia southern now. im gameday wasted sorry. actually, not sorry, TFTC.

      14 years ago at 8:33 pm
  3. REAL frat

    d chi isnt on the row. yall are so fucking fratty go back to ur piece of shit house.

    hahah we shit on u. PI KAPPA PHI

    14 years ago at 11:00 pm
    1. CrownedJewel

      how many guys did you get from rush??? hmmm pretty sure delta chi raped you on that one. NF.

      14 years ago at 6:04 pm
    2. southern comfort

      it is pretty easy to get alot of pledges when you blanket bid and thanks for picking up all the greek row rejects

      14 years ago at 8:26 am
    3. EQK

      We didn’t blanket bid them this year, we actually had a few that we didn’t offer bids too. PI KAPP blanket bids more then anyone I know. No point in fighting over a site that’s supposed to be fun.

      14 years ago at 8:28 am
  4. EQK

    Who posted this? Don’t remember anyone at our GSU tailgate today in yellow game day pants..The house to the right of ours on Robin Hood is SAE though.

    14 years ago at 11:58 pm
  5. GSU alum

    what he failed to mention is that he brought the only 2 girls to the tailgate, and they were likely Kappas.

    14 years ago at 10:06 am
    1. Bamas Finest

      Wrong. It was your mother and sister. But hopefully he sent them home before your gdi dad noticed his prius was gone.

      Also let me note: I go to a real college, and here this kind of shit doesn’t fly. your school is what, 6% greek? Not even a dimple on a REAL school..so instead of attempting to wreck another fraternity’s PR online..you should try building a brotherhood together to get more people greek…but I forgot..your probably too stupid to correlate that your all linked together..grow up.

      Un called for hating on another frat: NF

      Setting some GDI wanna be fratstar straight: TFM

      UA TTKA: TFM
      GSU: apparently, NF

      14 years ago at 4:10 am