Due to investments made in my name, I've had to file for income tax since I was born. Thanks Dad. TFM.

  1. T.J. Rockafeller

    Due to your father’s inability to understand tax deferred structures you’ve had to file for income tax since you were born. The IRS thanks your dad more than you do.

    14 years ago at 7:52 am
    1. Gen. George S. Fratton

      Building credit is F, Paying taxes is F, also. Love it or leave it, geed.

      14 years ago at 10:51 am
    2. T.J. Rockafeller

      Paying more than you have to in taxes and not knowing the difference between income and capital gains tax NF. Fratsby’s dad putting assets in his son’s name instead of hiring the right attorneys to form trusts NF.

      14 years ago at 11:46 am
  2. Love My Fratdaddy

    Jay Fratsby, this is one of the greatest names I’ve seen yet.
    I’d make you a sandwich anytime.

    14 years ago at 10:10 am
  3. Fratty

    My dad does this, but not with investments. On paper, I’ve been an employee of his with an annual salary since I was 10. Creating your own tax breaks when liberals are in office = TFM.

    14 years ago at 10:31 am
    1. Fratticus Finch

      Same here…I’ve had to put my signature on things since before I knew what a signature was.

      14 years ago at 11:33 am
    2. BROn Paul

      I always wondered why my did wanted me to “write my name in cursive” on so many papers as a child.

      14 years ago at 1:52 pm