That feeling of pure joy on the day the inseams go from 31" to 6". TFM.

  1. Ray Finkle

    What are you a Pi Kap or Beta or some other shitty house? Def not SAE or Chi Phi… Fucktard

    14 years ago at 12:44 pm
    1. Fratersby

      In what universe are 6″ inseams are not fratty…Sorry I go to a real school and not CUNY Queens like you

      14 years ago at 1:26 pm
    2. Frat Master J

      Chi Phi has no national pull at all. SAE doesn’t even having the standing they used to, especially in the north.

      14 years ago at 1:43 pm
  2. Mr. Johnny Walker

    All other posts abover are jealous that its not shorts and sperrys season for them.

    14 years ago at 1:40 pm
    1. 1834

      @Fratology Major: ur prob a bitch rambda guy.. so go suck ur little brothers dick in the chapter room while ur bitche ass brothers watch. im sure it could be a brotherhood event for you. @fratersby good work brother and frat on

      14 years ago at 10:49 pm