The Greek Purge May Have Just Begun At Indiana University
A few weeks ago, we reported on Indiana University rolling out a new set of rules that allow police to enter a fraternity or sorority house at any time without a warrant. The new rules also include a ban on hard alcohol and require that a non-greek residential advisor live in each house.
Now, apparently, the effects of the bogus legislation have begun to take hold.
I predicted that these non-constitutional freedoms granted to the police will ring in the slow and tragic demise of the IU Greek system, with fraternities getting shut down left and right after cops stroll into their houses without so much as a knock.
Well, according to a tipster from IU, the steady downfall has officially commenced.
I am an Indiana Greek, and, to say the least, our Greek purge has begun. Following the implementation of their new law, the school has made it clear that they have one goal in mind: to end Greek life on the campus. This has come in the form of cops showing up at an abundance of fraternity parties for no reason, then waiting in the parking lot for something to go wrong. There have also been a number of highly questionable fire alarms going off in Greek houses for seemingly no reason. This gives the fire department and police access to search every room following the implementation of the new law. The Greek purge of Indiana has begun and they won’t stop till we’re all gone.
-Anonymous IU Greek
Called it. I like how he used my “Greek Purge” term, too. Just a perfect way to describe a university’s triennial cleansing of alcohol-consuming, loud-music-listening frat bros. That and “Frat Holocaust.”
No word on whether any houses have officially been shut down yet, but if cops are actually searching every inch like a goddamn murder scene whenever they please, it’s only a matter of time.
I urge IU Greeks to heed the rest of my advice: get the parties out of the houses. At least for the time being. The group of five brothers with a pad off-campus are your saviors in this situation. Tell them to throw the parties. And if they won’t, move in people who will.
Keep fighting the good fight, IU. And good luck..
Image via YouTube
It appears Fail Friday was among the victims
8 years ago at 1:55 pmWhat the fuck? This doesn’t look like fail Friday
8 years ago at 1:55 pmLady I have to get it done
8 years ago at 1:56 pmStill waiting to purge my ass whilst reading fail friday
8 years ago at 2:03 pmWhat a valuable way to spend law enforcement’s time and resources
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8 years ago at 1:37 pmAnyone else read the “good luck” line like the guy from taken?
8 years ago at 2:37 pmKeep the police and fire department working overtime, the city will quickly abandon their efforts when the bills come in.
8 years ago at 2:43 pmI guess laws only protect you if you’re a fucking geed what else is new
8 years ago at 2:59 pmFuck IU, I’m glad I left that shitty ass school
8 years ago at 3:54 pmAight
8 years ago at 5:12 pm#FratLivesMatter
8 years ago at 4:25 pm