Grey Poupon Doesn’t Give a Shit About Your Facebook “Likes”

Grey Poupon mustard, the original condiment of high society, is treating their Facebook page like an elite, invitation only, glad-handing cotillion. Suffice it to say that riff raff need not apply. If you fall anywhere from “Suck at life” to “You know, things are going pretty well for me” on the spectrum of life, meander your low-rent ass on over to the French’s page. It’s a free-for-all over there. You’re just not Grey Poupon material, and your “like” attempt will lead to a Grey Poupon page exiling. Save yourself the embarrassment of the impending denial.

Those users who want to become a fan of Grey Poupon’s Facebook page will have to apply for membership through an application on the page called The Society Of Good Taste. The app scans your Facebook page to learn more about your interests, friends and writing style and from this, it automatically assigns you a score which determines whether your tastes are refined enough to be a Grey Poupon fan. If you just try to like the page without going through this process, Grey Poupon will delete you as one of its fans.

If this sounds ridiculously elitist, that’s the point.

That’s right; their application page is called “The Society of Good Taste.” So far around 22,000 fans have scored high enough to enter the Good Taste Society. Look, you don’t join your city’s most elite country club without passing a thorough screening, and you cannot enjoy this fancy fucking mustard if your Facebook page reveals your uncouth lifestyle.

I hope you like yellow mustard, you societal leaches.

Throwback Thursday: Vintage Grey Poupon Commercials


    1. rollinghills_bro

      scored in the 90th percentiles 🙂 just got accepted. they check the number of friends, restaurants on your visits, languages spoken, education, likes, etc. score high enough and your accepted.

      12 years ago at 3:09 pm
  1. rollinghills_bro

    scored in the 90th percentiles just got accepted. they check the number of friends, restaurants on your visits, your address (helps when you live in one of the highest income level areas’ in america?), languages spoken, education, likes, etc. score high enough and your accepted.

    12 years ago at 3:11 pm
    1. LeGronk

      ^^ Thank you for posting twice, you liberal geed. Learn some grammar and then people may believe you were accepted.

      12 years ago at 5:15 pm
    2. NativeFloridaCracker

      He FUCKED it up again, it’s you’re accepted. You infected dick hole.

      12 years ago at 5:42 pm
    3. rollinghills_bro

      I should get you deported – who the fuck calls themselves ‘Le’ anything but a true frenchie-loving geed.

      12 years ago at 6:01 pm
  2. Plan B is Plan A

    “The app scans your Facebook page to learn more about your interests, friends and writing style and from this, it automatically assigns you a score which determines whether your tastes are refined enough to be a Grey Poupon fan.”

    They could really simplify the process by just excluding anyone with names like DeShaun, Tyrone, Malik, etc.

    12 years ago at 3:15 pm
    1. OurHero

      ^^ What about my Trivaye on 117th and union. He sells good coke, and drinks 40’s, definitely bid worthy

      12 years ago at 12:19 am
  3. BigFlats12

    The main difference between this and my country club is that at my country club casual racism is encouraged, grey poupon’s not a fan, also we dont allow queers at my country club, “grey poupon puttng the tard in mustard since 1777.”

    12 years ago at 3:33 pm
  4. Fratraig Harrington

    Paul Eddington and Ian Richardson in the third video, killing it as always.

    12 years ago at 5:50 pm