1. Shithappens

    “Hey let me borrow your jacket, then take a picture of me so I can get on tfm”

    9 years ago at 6:28 pm
  2. BourbonNBeer

    “Guys hurry! We have to make sure and put these back in my stepdad’s gun cabinet or he’ll be mad!”
    Stepdad, not dad. I’m assuming your dad saw you as an embarrassment the moment you crawled out of your mothers gaping baby-sleeve and got the fuck out of dodge before any of his friends found out he had seeded a baby “boy” with half a sack and less of a dick. Fuck you.

    9 years ago at 1:20 pm
    1. CMBuckeye42

      Same thing goes for that unopened makers mark in your picture. Except you didn’t have the balls to open it. Grab a O’Douls you tool.

      9 years ago at 8:14 pm