Going to an SEC school was unthinkable because I really did come from old money. I wear boat shoes because I really do own a boat with sailing privileges beyond the Chattahoochee River. My slampieces are not related to me. While southern fratstars grew up learning how to "live off the land," I grew up with class and sophistication because I know that, just as my ancestors hazed the fuck out of the south in the years 1861-65, I can do the same. New England. TFM.

  1. tex283

    I can’t believe you just did that. I don’t care if you’re from New England, I love New England. But your hate for dixie is just pathetic. You = ignorant = NF

    14 years ago at 1:38 pm
    1. lilyandpeals

      …yet all of the comments on how the north in NF and how much it’s less superior than it is to the south is fine, not pathetic and faf? double standards are NF.

      14 years ago at 2:31 pm
  2. GeorgeHazingWBush

    you’re still a pussboy gdi for ranting and bitching about how the Confederacy will never give you any respect for being a god damned yankee.

    14 years ago at 1:38 pm
  3. ThisShitIsFratnanas

    I just shat to this. Funniest TFM I have ever written. I’m so stupid that I didn’t realize my southern belle slampiece was my own blood. Gee golly.

    14 years ago at 1:40 pm
  4. Pope of the Fratican

    why did you choose the name another kennedy? you liberal yankee fuck, they all die in horrible accidents. thats just an asshole move

    14 years ago at 1:41 pm
  5. NintenBRO 64

    I agree with the SEC part, but the South is way better than the north. The only SEC schools you’ll have a good job from is Vanderbilt or UF. The rest suck.

    14 years ago at 1:42 pm
    1. Gulf of MexiBro

      Listen you NF, liberal, yankee, geed, the SEC has five schools listed in the top 85: Vandy, UF, UGA, University of Alabama, and Auburn. Lets not forget though that you took the time to insult the entire south so I will remind you the south is also home to many notable academic institutions among these: Duke, Emory, Tulane, Rice, UVA, Wake Forrest, and Georgia Tech. However being a pseudo-elite yankee bastard you probably set store by small private liberal arts colleges. Therefore I remind you that the south is home to many of the top liberal arts colleges: Sewanee-The University of the South, Washington and Lee, Furman, Rhodes and Centre College. Maybe you should do your homework before you make such claims.

      14 years ago at 2:49 pm
    2. NintenBRO 64

      You’re an idiot. I specifically said the south is better than the north, however you’re too blinded by ignorance to read a simple statement. I’m from the south, an have lived here my whole life. I was simply stating that I’m tired of retards from Ole miss and LSU pretending like they have money when we all know they don’t. Suck my dick and kiss my ass, gulf of mexibro.

      14 years ago at 3:09 pm
    3. founding fratstars

      @ NintenBro: The SEC is in the south, so make up your damned mind. Like the guy above em said the SEC got a lot of good schools.
      @MexiBro: Dude your comment would have been better if it was not a reply, you look like a dumb ass but it makes a good point

      14 years ago at 3:44 pm
    4. Gulf of MexiBro

      Sounds to me like you couldn’t get into LSU or Ole Miss. And saying that people that go to either don’t have money… you can go sale that bullshit somewhere else. They have some who are loaded and others who aren’t like most schools. As far as you being from the south, well even Dixie produces a few fucktards. Maybe your time is better spent slamming your sister-cousin in a trailer park in Arkansas.

      14 years ago at 3:58 pm
    5. Gulf of MexiBro

      @Brolorado I can’t speak for Emory but as someone who has lived in New Orleans I fell confident in saying that while it has more than its fair share of yanks that it still has an abundance of southerners too. But I wasn’t arguing the make-up of the school so much as the location.

      14 years ago at 4:13 pm
    6. Six_Thirty

      Fact. The 3 best conferences academically, The Ivy League, The Big East, and The Big Ten ( 90% of SEC students couldn’t get into Illinois, Michigan, Northwestern etc if they tried) are all in the North.

      14 years ago at 11:15 pm
    7. Frat Exile

      Just want to put out there that the Big East just had TCU join to bring women and avoid the embarrassment of having their conference champion be unranked and run out of an embarrassing bowl game. Big Ten is NOT New England, which is the original post. And the Ivy League is nf. I know, I am in it.

      14 years ago at 4:33 pm
    8. Mftx87

      Isn’t the point of pledging to not have to make good grades/get into a good school? North vs. South school dick measuring is NF. The south not needing to repeat how much better we are than the North is a TFM.

      13 years ago at 5:20 pm