Going to an SEC school was unthinkable because I really did come from old money. I wear boat shoes because I really do own a boat with sailing privileges beyond the Chattahoochee River. My slampieces are not related to me. While southern fratstars grew up learning how to "live off the land," I grew up with class and sophistication because I know that, just as my ancestors hazed the fuck out of the south in the years 1861-65, I can do the same. New England. TFM.
Southern Old Money here…I was supposed to go to Harvard like my Grandfather and Great Grandfather (Dad went to Tulane) but my Grandfather talked me out of it because Harvard had become a bastion of weak liberalism in American Academia.
fuck you idiot. I don’t care where you’re from, but the north vs south is the most pointless and fucking repetitive debate I’ve seen on this site. fuck you for writing a novel of a “TFM” that has nothing to do with actually being fratty, and trying to spark the hatred of people in the south over something that’s fucking trivial. north, south, redneck, yankee, this is fucking America.
“American by birth, Southern by the Grace of God.” Burn in Hell Yankee. You don’t know a damn about Old Money. You don’t own a car much less a Sailboat. When I fly over Mass on the way to our Ski Lodge in Canada, I’ll be sure to flip the bird out the window, of my dad’s Jet. And by the way We still live off the Land. Go Dawgs.
Hey, not everyone is cut out to Frat in the South. It’s ok, go find you a nice school, a lower to middle tier house, enjoy your time in college, and go on with your life.
Being Southern is not for everyone. Some people just don’t have the qualifications. Like you.
anotherkennedy, another New England troll TFM.
14 years ago at 2:13 pmI’d be mad if I was from the north too.
14 years ago at 2:14 pmI really hope you go to hell for being a damn yankee.
14 years ago at 2:15 pmlook in the mirror
14 years ago at 2:31 pmSouthern Old Money here…I was supposed to go to Harvard like my Grandfather and Great Grandfather (Dad went to Tulane) but my Grandfather talked me out of it because Harvard had become a bastion of weak liberalism in American Academia.
14 years ago at 2:15 pmDid the administers really let this douche write a novel?
14 years ago at 2:18 pmThat’s Kentucky spelling right there.
14 years ago at 2:19 pmfuck you idiot. I don’t care where you’re from, but the north vs south is the most pointless and fucking repetitive debate I’ve seen on this site. fuck you for writing a novel of a “TFM” that has nothing to do with actually being fratty, and trying to spark the hatred of people in the south over something that’s fucking trivial. north, south, redneck, yankee, this is fucking America.
14 years ago at 2:20 pmWell said.
14 years ago at 2:34 pmthank you!
14 years ago at 2:58 pmThe worst thing on this site is your user name. Violence against women = NF.
14 years ago at 3:09 pm“American by birth, Southern by the Grace of God.” Burn in Hell Yankee. You don’t know a damn about Old Money. You don’t own a car much less a Sailboat. When I fly over Mass on the way to our Ski Lodge in Canada, I’ll be sure to flip the bird out the window, of my dad’s Jet. And by the way We still live off the Land. Go Dawgs.
14 years ago at 2:27 pm… I can’t believe you just said that. I expect more out of my Dawgs. Don’t stoop to this level, it’s just pathetic.
14 years ago at 2:35 pmIf you talk about how much money you have and get angry when you do people will believe you right??
14 years ago at 3:19 pmUF and Vandy are the only schools that graduate people who get good jobs?Are you joking or just stupid?
14 years ago at 2:36 pmLay off the hair gel man those fumes are making you delusional.
14 years ago at 2:37 pmHey, not everyone is cut out to Frat in the South. It’s ok, go find you a nice school, a lower to middle tier house, enjoy your time in college, and go on with your life.
Being Southern is not for everyone. Some people just don’t have the qualifications. Like you.
14 years ago at 2:40 pm