Going to an SEC school was unthinkable because I really did come from old money. I wear boat shoes because I really do own a boat with sailing privileges beyond the Chattahoochee River. My slampieces are not related to me. While southern fratstars grew up learning how to "live off the land," I grew up with class and sophistication because I know that, just as my ancestors hazed the fuck out of the south in the years 1861-65, I can do the same. New England. TFM.
South being hazed? Too bad Union soldiers were immigrants right off the boat that were given guns and told to fight for citizenship. All the union had was more soldiers (that weren’t even Americans). Southern soldiers were better in every aspect, there just weren’t enough.
The funny thing is that if the US were ever invaded the south would hold it’s own while pussies in the north wouldn’t know what to do or even know how to fire a gun. Keep your bedazzled shirts, gel, and fitted caps. You my friend are proof that there isn’t one northerner that has allegiance to this great country and why I still can’t meet one northerner that isn’t a douchbag.
This site is for fraternity men, not jersey shore geeds like yourself that probably has an Italian flag in your room.
caring about this…..NF. no it’s not “taking pride in your rich southern heritage”, its being a fucking loser. grow up. none of us adults care. but i do enjoy pissing you off enough to see you call me a yankee geed. it entertains me.
If you went to a respectable school outside of the SEC you would know that believing the Union won based on greater numbers is called “The Lost Cause Theory”. This theory has been denied by every current historian and is the basis of white supremacist/racist books/films like “The Birth of a Nation” and “Gone with the Wind”. It is fine to be proud of your heritage and to remember the battles your families fought, but don’t make false claims about why they lost. Also you shouldn’t be too proud of the fact that the people in your family decided to rise up against the country that you claim to love so much. Rebelling against the U.S. of A.=NF Loving America as a whole. FaF
I will not start off by ridiculing you as a person. I believe that by attacking the “logic” of your argument I can more clearly show you the error of your ways.
1.) The idea that the only thing the Union had going for it was that it had a bigger army is laughable. In fact, this was probably the least important of all their advantages. The best advantage the Union had was the incredible amount of manufacturing capability to start with. The South never stood a chance at even attempting to keep up with the material demands (the need for proper uniforms, food, weaponry) their fledgling country’s army needed. The Union had good uniforms, enough food, boots (trust me, as a marching man this attribute can not be understated), and sufficient weaponry to out fit its army while the South was stuck with rag tag uniforms and the weapons that soldiers either brought with them from home or captured from the Union. The second most advantageous thing the Union had going for it was its much more extensive rail system which could get materials and people where they needed to go fast. Arguably the only two thing the South really had going for it was the presence of a superior Professional Officer Corps (and that was a fleeting advantage that they squandered) and the fact that while the Union had to be offensive all they had to do was to defend themselves, their land, and their families. If you really wanted to argue about a type of soldier that was “better in every aspect” based on their region of origin then history clearly shows that description belongs to the soldiers on both sides that came from the newly conquered West. They were more used to living outdoors and were crack shots.
I hope you can see the error of your first point.
2.) While I agree that for the most part the polarizing shift the North and the South still has today has separated the country into easily definable regions with clear ideological differences between the twos views on almost every issue there exists two points you should consider: (1) There are outliers in each community. The hill people of Northern Appalachia would get along great with the people from the hollers in Virgina, while the Southern Liberal would probably agree on most points with some one from Connecticut. (2) I do not care where you are from in the US, whether it be North, South, East, or West, you are an American just like me. That means that if anyone (and realistically right now I am talking about either Islamic Fundamentalists or the Chinese) even attempted to invade or attack this land I love I would send them to meet their ancestors so fast it wouldn’t be funny.
3.) I can excuse your ignorance on most subjects. The fact that you think that proof exists that not one Northerner has allegiance to this this country infuriates me to a level I rarely reach. Tell that to every veteran from North of the Mason-Dixon who has served so that a sorry, waste of God given talent, that could of (and probably should of) been a blow job, like you can speak your mind.
This site is for Men…not boys who resort to name calling.
1. If you’re goin skiing in Canada it better be the Canadian Rockies
2. The Canadian Rockies are in western Canada.
3. Curious as to where you’re flying from if you’re going to the Canadian Rockies and crossing Massachusetts.
conclusion, I don’t know who is more retarded you or your pilot.
On a total side note, if it weren’t for Massachusetts you wouldn’t have had a republic to secede from, as I recall it was John Adams, the agitator, who got Jefferson to draft the Declaration, not John Calhoun or Edward Rutledge who were happy to stay under England’s thumb.
Being England’s bitch NF.
Starting a revolution and creating the best country in the history of the world – TFM
Well I thought that we were the UNITED States. Being from the northern half of America is better than being from some other godforsaken place like Columbia or Egypt, is it not? Just the same, being from the south certainly does not make one ignorant or inbred. That being said, shouldn’t we just be satisfied that we are not GDI’s or foreigners?
I guarantee you could never be successful down South. You sound like a complete prick all the guys would hate and too much of a douchebag to be lucky with the beautiful Southern girls.
Can anyone say IVY LEAGUE? Or even SU, or NYU? Clearly, the better education is obtained from the North. I have respect for the south, but everyones denial and projections from the SEC, or even south of the Dixon line, makes YOU ALL look pathetic.
I will agree that MOST of the best schools… Thats not to say that every college south of the Mason Dixon is a trailer. I believe the SEC has the best football teams lately. Skiing is better up north obviously. Beaches and weather are better down south. Pro’s and Con’s to both regions. I have relatives that now live in both areas and thats fine… as long as they aren’t those damn hippies from California
Sorry youre not from Texas. Oh yeah, I’m not sorry.
14 years ago at 2:58 pmWell said, brother. ODH.
14 years ago at 10:50 pmEverybody hates a champion:
14 years ago at 1:43 pmSouth being hazed? Too bad Union soldiers were immigrants right off the boat that were given guns and told to fight for citizenship. All the union had was more soldiers (that weren’t even Americans). Southern soldiers were better in every aspect, there just weren’t enough.
The funny thing is that if the US were ever invaded the south would hold it’s own while pussies in the north wouldn’t know what to do or even know how to fire a gun. Keep your bedazzled shirts, gel, and fitted caps. You my friend are proof that there isn’t one northerner that has allegiance to this great country and why I still can’t meet one northerner that isn’t a douchbag.
This site is for fraternity men, not jersey shore geeds like yourself that probably has an Italian flag in your room.
14 years ago at 3:00 pmcaring about this…..NF. no it’s not “taking pride in your rich southern heritage”, its being a fucking loser. grow up. none of us adults care. but i do enjoy pissing you off enough to see you call me a yankee geed. it entertains me.
14 years ago at 3:05 pmi can’t tell whether this comment is a strange joke or the most pathetic, ignorant thing i have ever read on this site.
14 years ago at 3:08 pmIf you went to a respectable school outside of the SEC you would know that believing the Union won based on greater numbers is called “The Lost Cause Theory”. This theory has been denied by every current historian and is the basis of white supremacist/racist books/films like “The Birth of a Nation” and “Gone with the Wind”. It is fine to be proud of your heritage and to remember the battles your families fought, but don’t make false claims about why they lost. Also you shouldn’t be too proud of the fact that the people in your family decided to rise up against the country that you claim to love so much. Rebelling against the U.S. of A.=NF Loving America as a whole. FaF
14 years ago at 3:16 pmhow the fuck can you claim to have more allegiance to america while supporting the confederacy?
14 years ago at 3:58 pmI will not start off by ridiculing you as a person. I believe that by attacking the “logic” of your argument I can more clearly show you the error of your ways.
1.) The idea that the only thing the Union had going for it was that it had a bigger army is laughable. In fact, this was probably the least important of all their advantages. The best advantage the Union had was the incredible amount of manufacturing capability to start with. The South never stood a chance at even attempting to keep up with the material demands (the need for proper uniforms, food, weaponry) their fledgling country’s army needed. The Union had good uniforms, enough food, boots (trust me, as a marching man this attribute can not be understated), and sufficient weaponry to out fit its army while the South was stuck with rag tag uniforms and the weapons that soldiers either brought with them from home or captured from the Union. The second most advantageous thing the Union had going for it was its much more extensive rail system which could get materials and people where they needed to go fast. Arguably the only two thing the South really had going for it was the presence of a superior Professional Officer Corps (and that was a fleeting advantage that they squandered) and the fact that while the Union had to be offensive all they had to do was to defend themselves, their land, and their families. If you really wanted to argue about a type of soldier that was “better in every aspect” based on their region of origin then history clearly shows that description belongs to the soldiers on both sides that came from the newly conquered West. They were more used to living outdoors and were crack shots.
I hope you can see the error of your first point.
2.) While I agree that for the most part the polarizing shift the North and the South still has today has separated the country into easily definable regions with clear ideological differences between the twos views on almost every issue there exists two points you should consider: (1) There are outliers in each community. The hill people of Northern Appalachia would get along great with the people from the hollers in Virgina, while the Southern Liberal would probably agree on most points with some one from Connecticut. (2) I do not care where you are from in the US, whether it be North, South, East, or West, you are an American just like me. That means that if anyone (and realistically right now I am talking about either Islamic Fundamentalists or the Chinese) even attempted to invade or attack this land I love I would send them to meet their ancestors so fast it wouldn’t be funny.
3.) I can excuse your ignorance on most subjects. The fact that you think that proof exists that not one Northerner has allegiance to this this country infuriates me to a level I rarely reach. Tell that to every veteran from North of the Mason-Dixon who has served so that a sorry, waste of God given talent, that could of (and probably should of) been a blow job, like you can speak your mind.
This site is for Men…not boys who resort to name calling.
14 years ago at 2:06 amYou all suck. No seriously. You all fucking suck. I mean seriously. You are all fucking losers. Debate something else other than North vs. South.
But honestly……you all fucking suck.
14 years ago at 3:01 pmI concur
14 years ago at 4:32 pmamen
14 years ago at 6:56 pmYour ignorance is amazing.
14 years ago at 3:03 pm1. If you’re goin skiing in Canada it better be the Canadian Rockies
2. The Canadian Rockies are in western Canada.
3. Curious as to where you’re flying from if you’re going to the Canadian Rockies and crossing Massachusetts.
conclusion, I don’t know who is more retarded you or your pilot.
On a total side note, if it weren’t for Massachusetts you wouldn’t have had a republic to secede from, as I recall it was John Adams, the agitator, who got Jefferson to draft the Declaration, not John Calhoun or Edward Rutledge who were happy to stay under England’s thumb.
Being England’s bitch NF.
14 years ago at 3:04 pmStarting a revolution and creating the best country in the history of the world – TFM
14 years ago at 3:29 pmWell I thought that we were the UNITED States. Being from the northern half of America is better than being from some other godforsaken place like Columbia or Egypt, is it not? Just the same, being from the south certainly does not make one ignorant or inbred. That being said, shouldn’t we just be satisfied that we are not GDI’s or foreigners?
14 years ago at 3:10 pmColumbia – The Capital of South Carolina
Colombia – The Capital of Cocaine
not that there’s much of a difference – sweltering heat and cokeheads abound in both of em…
14 years ago at 3:32 pmOh dear. Good catch and also an excellent point, sir.
14 years ago at 9:25 pmI have some cousins that are pretty attractive, just sayin.
14 years ago at 3:24 pmSomeone is trolling hard.
14 years ago at 3:31 pmI guarantee you could never be successful down South. You sound like a complete prick all the guys would hate and too much of a douchebag to be lucky with the beautiful Southern girls.
14 years ago at 3:32 pmCan anyone say IVY LEAGUE? Or even SU, or NYU? Clearly, the better education is obtained from the North. I have respect for the south, but everyones denial and projections from the SEC, or even south of the Dixon line, makes YOU ALL look pathetic.
14 years ago at 3:37 pmI will agree that MOST of the best schools… Thats not to say that every college south of the Mason Dixon is a trailer. I believe the SEC has the best football teams lately. Skiing is better up north obviously. Beaches and weather are better down south. Pro’s and Con’s to both regions. I have relatives that now live in both areas and thats fine… as long as they aren’t those damn hippies from California
14 years ago at 6:00 pmcome to newport beach, beverly hills, bel air, or even some areas in san diego and tell me california isnt FaF.
14 years ago at 2:18 pm