Hate Week: Hate is Good

If your university has a legitimate rival, I hope you hate them. I hope you hate them with all your heart. I hope you wish poor health on their parents and Jerry Sandusky cuddle sessions on their children. Your college rival can suck a thousand dicks, and then a thousand more. I hope you appreciate the beautiful hate you have inherited. Nowhere else in life are you allowed to have such unbridled, no explanation necessary hate for another group of people as you are for your college rival. Hate Week is where it all comes to a head.

Really the best part of hating your college rival is the fact that no explanation further than “I went to (Insert School)” is needed to excuse your vile sentiments. Shouting at an elderly couple sporting rival colors while they attend the annual match up for the fiftieth year? Totally cool. Claiming that your rival school couldn’t afford chimpanzees for an AIDS study so instead they used third world orphans? Probably true. Celebrating the completely justifiable mass murder that kicked off the rivalry in 1863? ENCOURAGED.

The rival’s reciprocation of hate is equally important. Revel in it. It makes the stakes that much higher, and the wins so much sweeter. Even if you have friends on the other side of the rivalry, they aren’t your friends during Hate Week. Lines are drawn, hateful messages exchanged, craps taken on their doorstep. If the rival wins it’s infuriating, maddening. Every rival fan you see is the biggest asshole in the world. You consider permanently shunning any rival friends you have, and crapping on their doorstep again. They fling insults that you try to forget with dangerous amounts of booze. You return insults, reminding them that wherever they are from is a backwoods incest festival full of meth addicted terrorist child molesters, whether or not it’s true.

If your school wins? Well let’s be honest, you become the biggest asshole in the world, but in an awesome way (probably). Every rival fan you see gets a reminder of the score. Your celebration is as obscene as the salutations you give your rivals as they leave the stadium. Your playlist consists of the school fight song and every cliché victory tune in the history of music. You kill beer after beer as you revel in the glory of the win. Fuck your rival, they deserved to lose. After all, where they are from is a backwoods incest festival full of meth addicted terrorist child molesters. This victory only confirms that God agrees with you.

Hate Week is good. It’s the ultimate hate outlet. People should not go through life feeling hate all the time. But hating your school’s rival? Fuck and yes. Take full advantage of this hate outlet. Let your hate flow freely through you. Drink heavily and hate merrily. How often in life are you allowed to flip off a twelve-year-old? And how often do you see that twelve-year-old’s parents encourage him to return the favor? This hate is so much fun. Live it up, because one day you’ll be dead, and your rivals will be happy.

    1. fratstars and bars

      I’m gonna try to find one mildly attractive female tomorrow in Hogstown and fail miserably. Take your jorts, mullets and missing teeth and shove them up your ass, bandwagoners. God damnit fuckin Go Noles >>——-;;–>

      13 years ago at 11:25 pm
    2. Year Around Frat

      FSU used to be an all females school. Y’all can go back to cooking and sewing classes after we kick your ass. Go Gators!!!

      13 years ago at 8:14 am
    3. rooster cogburn

      I will be a non-partisan voice of reason here. UF is a cess-pool of frayed denim, a haven of backwardism, and a place where upward mobility is defined by whether or not you have a boat. Yes, your R.I.P Dale tattoo is “smooth”.
      Now don’t fret Noles because FSU is as equally pathetic. Yes you should stitch Manuel on the back of your aeropostale Jersey, I think thats a great idea. And youre definitely not going to get Mario Edwards jr. so id stop getting my hopes up…but look on the bright side, atleast you dont live in Alabama

      13 years ago at 3:09 pm
    4. ChiPhiOriginal1824

      Mario Edward Senior played for FSU… pretty sure we have him in the bag

      Also, i really hate to see John Brantley Graduate, he was the reason we won..go noles.

      13 years ago at 4:48 pm
    1. That Just Happened

      Wait, an OSU fan calling Michigan students inbred? Our football team beat you today, and we will beat you in life, because we are Michigan Men and we are better than you.

      13 years ago at 3:40 pm
    2. 1858_frathard

      Not much to celebrate fucktard. You should continue to be embarrassed by the fact that your sorry fucking excuse for a football program has beaten OSU two times in the last 12 years. Go drink some bleach and die in a hole, you ignorant fucking idiot.

      13 years ago at 7:31 pm
    3. Fraternity Lifestyle

      How about that scoreboard? osu got… tattooed. And you wanna talk history? How about 58-43-6? Sucks to suck, Other Shit University.

      13 years ago at 8:47 pm
    4. 1858_frathard

      ^ Saying sucks to suck. TSM. Not surprised coming from a cock gurgling “Michigan Man”. Go play in traffic.

      13 years ago at 12:37 am
  1. the nelson

    Myschool built a statue with a horses ass pointing in a geographically exact line towards your campus. Fuck you A&M.

    13 years ago at 7:19 pm
    1. fratoclus

      That’s representing y’all’s asses. Tech people: always ready to take it up the ass. Also, there’s a reason we don’t play Tech on rivalry week.

      13 years ago at 8:54 pm
    2. the nelson

      And there’s a reason UT calls OU their rivals. Enjoy pledgship and a 3 win season. TCU can easily fill you’re shoes and give us another quality greek system, something y’all have never seen. You wont be missed.

      13 years ago at 9:29 pm
    3. fratoclus

      Yes they have the Red River Rivalry, as we have the Southwest Classic vs. Arkansas. A&M and the longhorns also happen to have the Lonestar Showdown. There is no rivalry with you dumbasses, y’all just try to make things bigger than they are. Your original comment and subsequent reply to mine tell me you care about A&M. We’ll manage to not enjoy being in the shittiest football conference in the nation don’t worry. One last thing, it’s your* so lace ’em up. Don’t know if I can blame you though, your SAT scores probably don’t require intelligence high enough to tell the difference between your and you’re.

      13 years ago at 1:48 pm
    4. rooster cogburn

      A&M people have such a little brother complex. Texas thinks that rivalry is so vital to the tradition of their football program that they opted not to buy-out a couple of little sister of the poor non-con games just to piss on you guys. hilarious. I wouldnt worry though, OU will continue to fuck their world up for years to come so A&M fans can atleast take some solace in that

      13 years ago at 3:15 pm
    5. Fratural Light

      Our school is also academically superior to that shit hole in the desert. Have fun digging ditches after graduation you fucking mutt.

      13 years ago at 4:17 pm
    6. the nelson

      Id rarather go to a school with an average academic system, hot women, good greek system, and money than a school that celebrates male cheerleaders, shit greek and sheep sex. Enjoy being excluded from inner state games for the foreseeable future coon ass.

      13 years ago at 8:08 am
    7. fratoclus

      You should “rarather” consider going to ITT Tech, because your TT education is not going to help at all. Your replies make no sense grammatically or contextually.

      13 years ago at 5:08 pm
    8. the nelson

      Sorry I don’t proof read every comment like im submitting a dissertation. Enjoy your average… well pretty much everything, other than academics.

      13 years ago at 11:48 pm
  2. PartyRockin

    Fuck hippies and their “Trying to all get along” bullshit. Football is different than life.

    13 years ago at 7:20 pm
    1. BowsnBrowning

      Let’s talk about Chinese people! With their kung-fu and their silly ching-chang-chong talk! We caaan’t understand you! Go back to yer country! White power!

      13 years ago at 5:47 am
  3. DavidAllanBro

    I hope someone burns down those fucking trees after Alabama takes a nasty diarrhea on their eagle.

    13 years ago at 7:26 pm
    1. Success

      Fuck you and your tornado ravaged shithole of a town you inbred, drunk piece of retard shit DAB. And might I add, you used “bro” as part of your name you pathetic, pitiful shitstain.

      13 years ago at 11:31 pm
    2. DavidAllanBro

      I will agree with you that the “bro” part of my name is fuckin quer, I think davidallancoe was taken, motherfucker. But this doesn’t mean I won’t find you and lynch you

      13 years ago at 12:21 am
    3. MichelleO is a Hoe

      Hey handsome! I had a great thanksgiving. It feels nice to finally get out of the kitchen. How was yours?

      13 years ago at 12:43 am
    4. It was really nice, I did some fishing on the Snake river and did fairly well. Nice seeing my family and get away from school as well

      13 years ago at 12:47 am
    5. Denzel FRATington

      I swear some of the guys not his site have never seen a female in their lives. And yes, some of the girls are fat lame RAs posing as sorostitutes. Legitimate flirting on TFM is NF^ 3

      13 years ago at 10:07 am
    6. Cupid

      I mean…..I’ve never been in the pi phi house…..but you get the picture. Denzel is a tough guy on the internet, watch out everyone.

      13 years ago at 11:37 am
    7. Success

      How does one “follow” DAB around? He’s on this site every minute of every goddamn day. And MichelleO bless your heart, that’s about as classy as I expect from a “female” bama fan. Enjoy the game, and try not to kill anything you classless douches.

      13 years ago at 11:37 am
    8. Denzel FRATington

      “How does one “follow” DAB around? He’s on this site every minute of every goddamn day.”–Success . Retweet, Like, whatever the fuck else is applicable.

      13 years ago at 1:16 pm
    9. better_than_you

      I agree Sucess, i fucking hate Bama with a passion. But i will give it o DAB, Cupid, Freeto, and a few of those other folks, they have some of the best comments on here.

      13 years ago at 2:43 pm
    1. American

      Quantrill was FAF with his necklace of ears. Dude was one sick motherfucker who loved murderin yankees.

      13 years ago at 4:19 pm
    1. OffWeFrat

      ^ Rot in hell asshole. We’re going to put you in your place tomorrow afternoon just like we have every single year for the past half century, you cock juggling thunder cunt.

      13 years ago at 9:27 pm
    2. Mega Frat

      Second that Broosevelt. I’d give that whole state a rusty sanduski if I had the chance.

      13 years ago at 12:47 pm
    3. Fratticus Maximus II

      FUCK TENNESSEE. Fucking inbred cum guzzling Sandusky loving bastards, if I saw a TN fan right now I would murder them with a coat hanger.

      13 years ago at 5:53 pm