High Schoolers Considered A Threat For Wearing MAGA Hats On Howard University Campus

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I’m currently attempting to write this article without beating my head against the table over and over and over and over. I, like many Americans, kind of just want things to go back to the times when shit was peaceful for at least five minutes. Five minutes. That’s all I’m asking for. Is that too much?

On Saturday, a few white female high schoolers decided to wear “Make America Great Again” hats while visiting Howard University, a historically black college. The results? Exactly what you think post-Charlottesville.

If the original caption on the tweet isn’t enough for you to start closing your eyes and rubbing your temples as you try and comprehend how this world is so, so stupid, then I suggest you dive on in and read the thread directly under it. It’s….something. It also features this amazing tweet.

Thank you, @HUdining. You have saved us all (from long lines at Starbucks and potentially sold out Justin Bieber tickets).

The official @HowardU handle also chimed in with a statement on the situation. The statement, however, was pretty much bullshit as it sorta mentioned how free speech is a thing but also said harassing people for wearing a MAGA hat is also cool? Idk. It’s a whole thread that doesn’t really say anything aside from ‘you gotta do what ya gotta do.


Allie Vandee, one of the high schoolers wearing the hat, says people were shouting expletives at her while in the cafeteria and one man even stole her hat (it was retrieved). Still, even after the ordeal, she’s living the NO REGRATS lifestyle and gave more details about the whole thing on her Twitter account.

Well, it’s settled then. Glad we worked everything out.

*Closes eyes, trying not to kill self.*

I thought we talked about how safe spaces at colleges do more harm than good. I’m no Trump supporter, but being that triggered about a hat that often has got to be exhausting.

Ya know what? I don’t care. I’m done. I’m done with it all. College football is starting soon. All y’all better STFU and have your squabbles over being anti- or pro-Trump somewhere else. You’re making Skip Bayless seem tolerable, a feat that I didn’t even know was humanly possible. Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to go watch my Tigers win a National Championship while the world crumbles around me. Deuces.

Image via Twitter

  1. BobMotherFuckingBarker

    Sjw’s are stupid, trumptards are stupid. In other news the sky is blue and vaginators dick is small

    7 years ago at 1:08 pm
    1. StockWithFrock

      You still shouldn’t be subject to being removed just for wearing a trump shirt.

      7 years ago at 1:10 pm
      1. BobMotherFuckingBarker

        Obviously not, but if you go to a historically black college wearing Trump gear, people aren’t gonna be happy especially with all the charlottesville shit going on right now. These girls are either morons for thinking there would be no backlash or assholes looking to piss people off. Either way everybody involved in this story sucks.

        7 years ago at 3:38 pm
      2. Fratty Couples PGA

        But people who can’t handle their emotions after seeing a T-shirt suck more.

        7 years ago at 5:45 am
      1. Fratty Couples PGA

        If she can sit on the sidewalk and touch the street with her feet…

        7 years ago at 5:51 am
  2. DPQLS

    This wont be popular opinion, but why would you go to a historically black college rocking a MAGA hat right after Charlottesville? They shouldn’t have been removed but they’re stupid for thinking there would be no negative reaction.

    7 years ago at 3:05 pm
  3. TheyDroveDixieDown

    The first amendment is the first amendment, but think about it, is it more likely that a couple of high school party girls were making a complex political statement or that they woke up desperate for attention and this was one of the easiest ways to get noticed? They have a right to make a statement, but there are consequences for using a country’s tense political climate just to get a few people to notice you and tell you how special you are.

    7 years ago at 4:25 pm
  4. FratrickDempsey

    Skip Bayless is getting “more tolerable” like Rosie O’Donnell is “looking thin.”

    7 years ago at 4:54 pm
  5. ChristianPKP

    Or…they are just into the Donald, would have voted for him if they were old enough…and enjoy exercising free speech. If hats are now symbols of oppression and racism…what am I doing in uniform? We’ve already lost the war. Last I check we didn’t fight a world war over a MAGA flag waived by tyrants atop the Eagle’s Nest…

    7 years ago at 3:55 am