houston rescue team vodka

I Love The Houston Rescue Team That Downed Shots Of Vodka On The News

Pretty much anything you see out of Houston over the past few days has been incredibly depressing. Record flood waters — with more to come — have displaced thousands of people from their homes; some are still struggling to get to safety. It’s resulted in long hours for first responders, news crews and more. However, we finally got a small victory on Monday when local news outlet Fox 26 spotted some first responders taking the edge off after a rescue.

People helping people. #TFM

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My first thought was, “Hey, maybe that’s water in a big Skyy bottle. Times are tough, and you’ve got to get by with what you can. But no. Judging from that natural cringing reaction to taking a shot of warm vodka to THE GIANT WATER JUG THE GUY OPENS AND DRINKS FROM AT THE END OF THE CLIP, I feel like it’s safe to say that’s not water in that cap. Just a little toot, though.

If there’s anyone who deserves a drink after a long day’s, work it’s these guys. Leaving their families and the comfort of their own homes (or maybe not even homes anymore) to get out there rescuing people left and right. If I’m trapped in these raging waters you’d best believe I’d be waiting around for this rescue team to come save me, and I’d leave them a five-star rating when they dropped me off.

Keep it strong, Houston. Much love.

  1. GirthBrooks

    I should have bought more booze. Now I’m just stuck here on a damn island alcoholless waiting for this shit to go away.

    7 years ago at 2:40 pm
      1. GirthBrooks

        Yeah I’ll take the alcohol over being stuck with a “one night stand” for four days.

        7 years ago at 4:49 pm
      2. jizzrag69

        After you fuck her a couple of times just kick her out in the rain you dumb fuck

        7 years ago at 5:38 pm