How to Become a SororityPrincess

A SORORITY HOUSE NEAR YOU—Okay, time to get real: I’ll never be a princess. Prince William has
officially announced his engagement to the extremely interesting and not-at-all boring Kate Middleton,
and my hopes for getting my hands on a tiara by my 25th birthday are now roughly equal to the chances
of Miley Cyrus staying out of rehab within the same time frame. Yes, I know there’s still his brother
Prince Harry to chase after, but he’s been running around with that blonde African chick for so long (‘But
if you’re from Africa, why are you white?’), he might as well just slip the bajillion-carat diamond onto her
overly-tanned finger already and call it a day.

But wait—all hope is not lost. Just because I’m not going to be an official princess doesn’t mean I can’t
still look, act, and generally be better than the majority of the people around me (and especially those
got-damn GDIs). If Ricky Martin taught us anything, it was that faking something for years on end can do
absolute wonders for a gal’s image. I have decided to become a SororityPrincess, and this is how I will do

First of all, a princess has gotta have the right hardware. What royal doesn’t have a pile of crown jewels
sparkling in her vault? Whether the ring originates from Princess Diana or David Yurman, just make sure
you get that skating rink on your finger. There are two ways to go about this: first, and most obviously,
you may use your feminine wiles to force a big, fat sparkler from your Frat Daddy. Christmas is on the
way, after all, so when your boy asks you what you want, simply pucker up your lips and remind him
that diamonds don’t have calories. It’s a win-win: you get the rock, and by giving you a gift that won’t
pack on the pounds (hello, Godiva Sampler), your Frat Daddy ensures that you will not resemble a rock.
If that method doesn’t work, and your Pi Kappa Alpha turns out to be a Pi Kappa Broke-a, there is always
the time-tested back-up plan of shamelessly begging your parents for money and gifts until they finally
break down and give in to your diva-like demands. I mean, all of our parents are, if not Sarah Palin
rich, then at least Sandra Bullock in The Blind Side rich, right? And if not, than who is supporting your
alcoholism at the bars every night?

Secondly, you must attain the perfect, princess-y attitude. Think sweet and polite, with just the slightest
hint of condescending bitchiness. For a fitting example, harken back to the Hills (which I really miss,
BTW. Where’s a bunch of staged Justin Bobby drama when I need it?) and picture Lo. Yeah, she seemed
nice enough, with her good manners and her perky demeanor, but there was a gleam in those blue eyes
that just told you she was laughing with Lauren about what a dumb bitch Audrina was every time the
camera turned away. If a sister from a rival sorority (or worse—a GDI) lowers her tacky, Juicy Couture-
wearing ass into the last empty seat in the library during finals week, simply give the bitch a polite-yet-
icy glare and then move on—save the trash-talking for when you get out of earshot. Princesses always
stay polite by keeping their vicious shit-talking strictly behind the backs of their targets. I mean, it’s not
like we actually want to hurt any feelings with our cruel, backstabbing antics, do we?

Of course, any princess list would be remiss if it didn’t mention wardrobe. Miss Middleton has been working a fairly clean, simple look ever since the announcement, with lots of whites and navy blues, but
that look only works on her because she is so boring. In your quest to become a SororityPrincess don‘t
be afraid to step your Louboutins outside the lines and hop over to the Pike house in a wild Pucci print
or head down to the Kappa Sig semi in your best Michael Kors belted cocktail. (Just be careful not to get
too wild; as we all know, princesses don’t do one-night stands. Just leave that to the slampieces.)

And of course, a prospective SororityPrincess must follow SororityGirlProblems on Twitter
(@SororityProblem) if she wants to be taken seriously by any eligible Frat Daddies out there. I hereby give you free reign to steal any of the (hopefully?) hilarious one-liners you may find on my feed and unleash them at any party or on any date of your choosing, because if the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, the way to his wallet is by making him laugh.

Lastly, and most importantly, the most vital accessory on the path to becoming a SororityPrincess is
a healthy sheen of knock-‘em-dead confidence. The future Princess Kate isn’t all that gorgeous, but
you’d never know it by the serene, self-assured way in which she carries herself in all those infuriatingly-
perfect photos of her and her future groom. Blow your hair out, throw your shoulders back, and walk
into the nearest date function with your head held high with the knowledge that you’re the hottest
bitch in the room. Because even if you don’t have a royal crown, a glass of Crown Royal will make you
think you do.

  1. Anchors&Pearls

    If you really need to “shamelessly beg” your parents/fratdaddy for presents, you’re not a “princess.” True TSM: just understanding how to act from childhood because its an unspoken expectation, not having to google it in college, when it’s already too late for you.

    13 years ago at 7:32 pm
    1. Robert S. Fratnamara

      I like your style, babe. If you make me a sandwhich, maybe we can broker a deal? 😉

      13 years ago at 8:09 pm
    2. Robert S. Fratnamara

      In my defense.. eh, I got nothing. A man must admit his mistake and yeah, I messed up. So… sandwich*! Okay, can we negotiate now? Thanks!

      13 years ago at 5:27 pm
    3. Robert S. Fratnamara

      Damn, that’s a hard one… I would say both, but I’m a gentlemen and don’t want to ask for too much at the start, don’t want to take advantage of your good nature. So, let’s go with turkey.

      13 years ago at 8:45 am
    4. Anchors&Pearls

      From the real Anchors&Pearls: I wrote only the original post, and neither the post from “Dear Fratnamara” nor the second “Anchors&Pearls” asking “Ham or Turkey?” Thanks, Robert S., for the kind words, but to the others, please refrain from impersonating others in the future.

      13 years ago at 10:32 am
    5. Robert S. Fratnamara

      You’re welcome, (the real) Anchors&Pearls. It was fun playing along, regardless of who was posting.

      13 years ago at 9:15 pm
  2. VirginiaVixen

    Wow, you are a complete joke to all women. This whole blog was terribly written and completely tasteless. P.S. The Hills is like one step above Jersey Shore on a level of geed quality.
    …Now GBITK and apologize to your fratdaddy for disrespecting him like this.

    13 years ago at 10:49 pm
  3. crowns *

    Seriously, I just wasted my life reading that twitter and all it talks about it being wasted, wondering how many calories are in water, and popping pills like a Desperate Housewife. Sounds more like community college trash than a Sorority Princess. Ladies do not brag about that kind of thing. It reminded me of a fourteen year old girl’s anorexia journal.

    Get class,

    13 years ago at 11:01 pm
  4. Where's my lunch?

    Do you have any idea how many sandwiches you could have made in the time it took you to write this article?

    13 years ago at 2:55 am
    1. seriously

      It’s a line from Mean Girls. One girl asked Lohan’s character that question. It was a failed attempt at humor.

      13 years ago at 8:31 am
    2. TSMs Suck

      Why would “Really” have watched Mean Girls? Seriously, the fact that all of you just freaked out is ridiculous.

      13 years ago at 1:58 pm
  5. Thornless&Red


    I’m sorry to add further TSM commentary, Fratstars, but this article is ridiculous.

    You want to be a princess, sugar? Well, I’m so sorry, but it’s just not going to happen– at least like this. Stop trying to confuse your sense of entitlement with class, because working a ring out of your Fratdaddy is just greedy (and geedy) and real women earn their places next to real men. It’s not royalty to which a woman should aspire, but ladyship. Be ladies, but not the kind you think are defined by Yurman, sandwiches, and blowjobs. I’m not saying that a lady shouldn’t satisfy her man (in fact she very much ought to), but defining herself by that… and publicly, is not what being a true sorority lady is about. That is why, LADIES, leave TFM to our gentlemen so as to prevent further embarrassments such as this atrocious example of witless humor and poor direction.

    13 years ago at 2:50 pm