How To Crush It As A 5th-Year Senior


Comic Gregg Rogell (@GreggRogell) joins Jared (@jtrain56) on this week’s Friday episode of The JTrain Podcast to read your emails and answer questions about what to do when your girl gets a tattoo you don’t like, toning down your own ego in the workplace, partying as a fifth-year senior, dealing with your ex sleeping with a close friend, and the right way to react to two drastically different sized boobs. Plus, Hypotheticals and the news with ManSamp. Check it out, and tune in on Tuesday!

Listen to the JTrain Podcast below, and check back every Tuesday and Friday for a new one hosted by Jared Freid.


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  1. HurricaneSzn

    Jtrain can you go back to writing because reading some of this stuff nowadays gives me literal AIDS

    8 years ago at 3:55 pm