How To Solve The Debt Ceiling Crisis

If you’ve had the chance to take a break from chugging intensity and railing lines of fratitude, you might have heard that we have a debt crisis on our hands. Now, I could go into the specifics of how the debt ceiling actually works and an ideological explication of spending cuts vs. increased revenues, but there are half-naked girls outside, so I don’t have time for an economics lesson. In light of our impending need to enjoy the fruits of our non-labor, I’ll just jump right in to my three-pronged solution to not only balancing our budget, but also reducing our debt long-term.

1. When you need to trim the fat in a business, you don’t raise your prices or lower your quality, you first sell off the assets that aren’t performing for you. In this situation, that would be Iraq. But, Dick, how can we sell a country that isn’t technically ours? My answer is simple: if you use the word “technically,” one more time, I’m gonna punch you in the balls with my foot. We’ve pumped more money into that sinkhole than a self-conscious cougar on cosmetic surgery. What have we gotten out of it? A bunch of whiny liberals and higher oil prices. It’s time to cut the cord. Who’s in the market for a hot, sandy, semi-worn country these days? Well, I’m sure Iran would perk their ears up a bit, but I’m thinking we shouldn’t be handing over a whole country full of angry Muslims to another country full of angry Muslims that also happens to hate our existence. However, there is a group that is currently looking to relocate that would definitely be in the market: fundamentalist Mormons. I’m not talking about your nice, “no thank you, I don’t drink caffeine” Mormons. I mean the crazy ones that actually have multiple wives and (probably) secret gun caches. Those guys scare the living shit out of me. So what happens when you throw a hardcore, misogynist religious sect into a country full of hardcore, misogynist religious types? Do they get along? Nope. They fight the fuck out of each other. It’s like killing two insanely religious birds with one stone.

2. Let’s monetize the elections process. Thanks to the 24 hour news cycle and the crazy amounts of private money spent on elections, it’s already a circus, so the US government might as well make some money for itself. There are several female candidates out there who, while attractive, are making their parties look bad. So to solve this, we hold one spot per party open for a female candidate. Then, we do a pay-per-view event where all the female candidate hopefuls bikini wrestle each other until there’s only one winner. It’ll make Europe hate us more, enrage feminists, and give everyone the answer to “I wonder what Sarah Palin would look like in a bikini.” You can’t tell me you wouldn’t dish out $50 and have a watch party for that at the fratcastle.

3. Throw a government-sponsored rager on every major holiday. I’m not talking about fireworks and hot dogs here. I’m saying get all of the best elements from music festivals, the adult film awards, and an international arms expo and put it all into an extended weekend full of beer, girls, music and fighter jet flyovers. Companies representing the best of America will all have booths giving out free shit and, to top it all off, one fraternity will be picked each year to organize these festivals based on said fraternity’s experience with throwing parties, controlling unruly GDIs and general badassery. Not only will all of these events be indescribably awesome, but they’ll also give every fraternity in America just one more excuse to take their partying skills to the next level. And can you imagine how much revenue a nationwide USA party with corporate sponsors and a solid admission price would generate? Again, I could crunch the numbers, but that’s not my job. I’m an idea man.

Now, obviously, none of these things are gonna get done with wet-blanket Obama still in office. So here’s what we do. Take these ideas to each Republican presidential candidate, and see how they feel about them. The one who’s the most on board with our plan gets the fraternity vote and the fraternity money (ok, alumni money). That way, we’ll have our voice heard in the next term, and we’ll be able to narrow all our candidates down to one, party-supportive candidate. I’m thinking Ron Paul. That dude looks like he’s railed a few lines off some strippers in his day.

    1. ShotsonDeck

      Ron Paul is probably the only member of Congress who has read a book longer than the Chili’s lunch menu. I don’t know if he’s good enough at ‘politicin’ to actually change things, but his ideas are right on the money. And by money I mean the gold standard.

      13 years ago at 7:08 am
    2. Grand Old Partier

      Ron Paul definitely knows what he is talking about when it comes to the economy. Its unfortunate that most his stances seem extreme to the American public as a whole; however, these stances are grounded in history, logic, and the constitution to anyone who is half educated. Everyone should at least respect him for not buying votes just to be in office like most of our modern politicians do.

      13 years ago at 10:08 am
    3. Fratsody in Bro

      Ron Paul has the benefit of having the least corrupted viewpoints but takes it the the extreme of an untenable strict constructionism. What we could really use is a nationalist realist like Teddy or Dick.

      13 years ago at 9:48 am
  1. fratyard__vines

    We need to change the voting process. I say we go back to only American citizens that own property to vote. The reason we have obama (his name does not deserve to be capitalized) in office is because he told the voters that he would tax the rich and give the money to the poor. That attracted poor/ homeless people to vote for him. Homeless people shouldn’t vote because they are not paying taxes. If the Government is using my money I want my vote to count and not theirs. Also I think women should not be able to vote because the feminization of America has got out of hand, but I’m sure about 90% of America will be against me on that one.

    13 years ago at 9:40 pm
    1. Charleston FratEN

      If you’re receiving a check for the government that isn’t compensation for services, you should not be allowed to vote.

      13 years ago at 10:46 pm
    2. Fratconia Copper

      Agreed. If your gonna be buying votes, be a little more creative and indirect than handing out welfare checks and social program funds to the poors in exchange for their vote.

      13 years ago at 11:19 pm
    3. The Piker

      Why be more indirect? Thats how you get their votes. If they were smart enough to pick up on subtle “vote buying”, they wouldn’t be homeless.

      13 years ago at 9:31 am
    4. Grand Old Partier

      I am not saying women should or should not be allowed to vote, but scientifically, men make decisions through logic, women make decisions through emotions and feelings. While we are all equal as people, we are not equal on the chemical levels that account for this including the voting process.

      I do agree that it is unbalanced to allow people to vote who receive handouts for not contributing to the system. This becomes cyclical because politicians who make it their careers to be in office use these handouts as a way to buy votes and perpetuate their lifestyles. Its unfortunate because it is the American way to let everyone have a vote, but our government is flawed and shouldn’t allow this ideology of taxing hard workers pursuing the American dream to give to those who are a drain on society.

      There are special circumstances where people do need help and assistance, but this is where the fraternity man comes in. We give to philanthropies to help these people in need. We give to individuals who we personally see need our help in their times of trouble. Through this, we see the direct results of serving our community while adhering to a much more fiscal approach then the government who gives away checks to anyone who asks, many of which are undeserving of it. If everyone contributed in this manor, our country would not need to support programs such as welfare that account for much of our nations expenses.

      13 years ago at 10:30 am
    5. fratyard__vines

      ^ I could not agree more. When it comes down to making big decisions most women will go with the “humane” way out. They think being nice will solve all of the worlds problems and that peace is just something that happens immediately. It literally takes balls to be in Government.

      13 years ago at 1:47 pm
    6. High_Phive1848

      While I don’t doubt what you are saying, do you have a link to a scientific survey that shows women make decisions based on emotion and men on reason? To have solid proof of that is pretty much an end all to an argument with a feminist cunt.

      13 years ago at 6:07 pm
    7. Fratsody in Bro

      I don’t think this has become that big an issue in this country simply due to the stability caused by our two party system, but class warfare voting has gotten out of hand in and created the European welare state.

      Also, Roman republican head of family voting: FaF

      13 years ago at 9:53 am
    8. inhocFaF

      You really think homeless people actually changed the outcome? Although in 2008, when the voter turnout what actually slightly higher than the past, it was only a few percentage points. I highly doubt a man living on a street corner trying to find money for his next fix realizes its election day, and even has any idea of where and how to vote.

      If you think about it, most homeless people tend to live in major cities, which also tend to be liberal. For example, a state such as New York was going to vote Obama with or without the homeless vote. Same goes for almost every other state with a major city.

      As for woman’s right to vote, how the hell can they vote in the kitchen….absentee ballot?

      13 years ago at 2:03 pm
  2. AlumniFratStache

    The largest undeveloped shoreline in the world is sitting right underneath us- Cuba. Take Cuba, develop the shoreline for a new spring break destination, and smoke a victory Cuban cigar afterwards. Debit crisis solved

    13 years ago at 9:56 pm
    1. The Frat Czar

      It wouldn’t actually bring in as much income as the hippies want you to believe.

      13 years ago at 6:30 am
  3. AbnerEDWIN_Fratton

    Maybe if the dems werent such Geeds and would man up we woulden’t be in this situation.They need to stop blaming the Republicans for America’s turmoil. Last time I checked the republicans were not the ones who have spent 3.4 trillion in the past three years……DAMMIT

    13 years ago at 11:04 pm
    1. PiKA1868

      Agreed, fucking Democrats got us in this mess to begin with after they decided it was a good idea to push for making it easier for minorities to receive loans for mortgages, then it all went downhill after the housing bubble and now that domino effect has landed us into a pretty frustrating stalemate.

      A compromise that can get thumbs up from both the House and Senate better come into fruition soon or else we’re going to see that debt ceiling fall into the responsibility of our generation, filled with plenty of idiosyncratic geeds who can’t handle money any better since they don’t have it.

      On another note, fuck the California Dream Act. That is all.

      13 years ago at 11:21 pm
    2. IvyFrat

      Yeah, if like the rest of this site, you’re gonna suck on Bush’s nuts so hard, you really can’t pin this on Obama alone.

      Ron Paul, anyone?

      13 years ago at 8:49 am
    3. MSNBGeed

      Broin – quit reading Op Eds like the fucking Washington Post or NY Times. Get your facts from a real news source.

      When Obama took office two years ago, the national debt stood at $10.626 trillion. It now stands at $14.071 trillion — an increase of $3.445 trillion in just 735 days (about $5 billion a day).

      To put that into perspective, when President Bush took office, our national debt was $5.768 trillion. By the time Bush left office, it had nearly doubled, to $10.626 trillion. So Bush’s record on deficit spending was not good at all: During his presidency, the national debt rose by an average of $607 billion a year. How does that compare to Obama? During Obama’s presidency to date, the national debt has risen by an average of $1.723 trillion a year — or by a jaw-dropping $1.116 trillion more, per year, than it rose even under Bush.

      13 years ago at 9:17 am
  4. Hadrian

    Instant solution: We give a little over half of Alaska to Japan, and they take on our debt. They get the tons of space they need that we’re not using anyway, and we get a fuckton of money. And then Texas can be the biggest state again, as it should be.

    13 years ago at 11:39 pm
    1. Piker is a bitch

      Alaska holds more oil than Texas big guy not to mention tons of other natural resources

      13 years ago at 12:39 am
    2. Fratasuar

      I don’t think Japan would, or even has the capacity to spend 14.5 trillion on “half of Alaska” if they did, then I would say fuck the natural resources. We payed 7.2 million for it in the 1850s so thats what like a 200 thousand percent return, for half, I’d take it.

      13 years ago at 2:25 am