Networking harder than your IT professional. TFM.

  1. theblueandblue

    Totally hypothetically speaking here, but what about an IT professional who was Greek at an SEC school? Do you still network harder? Props for being witty though.

    14 years ago at 5:48 am
  2. Absolute Fratty Move

    Yes I would network harder. Are you fucking kidding me you geed? I’m me. Nobody fucks with me. I am the shit. I have the biggest trust fund, the most plantationy plantation home and the oldest money of anybody on this site. Of course I network harder. GTFO you geed bitch!!

    14 years ago at 6:31 am
  3. Fratstar

    I guess you frat stars don’t get the joke in this TFM since you aren’t computer science, computer information systems or Management Information system majors.

    14 years ago at 7:30 am