
The Day I Stopped Living A Lie And Decided To Identify As A Plant


October 4, 2016. This was the day I came out of the botanical closet, a deep dark abyss I’ve been trapped in all my life. I always felt like I was living a lie, like I didn’t recognize my reflection in the mirror. But on that day, I finally stepped out into the light, and began converting sunshine into chemical energy.

I decided to identify as a plant.

Growing up, I remember seeing plants in pictures and on TV and thinking, “That’s me. I’m like that.” When I was a kid, my parents tried to dress me in boy’s clothes and get me to play with action figures. But me? I wanted to run around in nothing but fern leaves and hit other children with tree branches. I feel like I knew even then, at such an early age, that the plant life was my life. But, as Kermit the Frog says, “It ain’t easy being green” — so I hid my true self from the world around me.

As a teenager, when all my friends were starting to date and grow into their adult identities, I spent my time gazing out the window and yearning to self-pollinate.

Recently, like so many others, my university mandated new guidelines to respect the personal identities of their students. I finally found the courage to come out for what I really was: a northern green alder. I printed out a badge directing people to call me by my preferred pronoun, “tree.” My university and professors had to accommodate me in every way, assigning me a dedicated arborist to meet my special and specific needs. I do all my classes outside, where I can comfortably photosynthesize. I also no longer take exams, because it is against my nature.

A group of social justice-minded students came up to me in the quad last week and angrily told me to stop pretending to be a tree, because they felt that I was mocking people who truly feel uncomfortable and discriminated against in their bodies. I politely asked them to “respect my journey.” It’s sad and disheartening that such intolerance still exists.

I like to think I’ve been an inspiration to others. This vegan girl in my chem class joined me yesterday. Without a word, she stripped off her clothes, dug a hole, and took root beside me. She hasn’t moved for 48 hours. I haven’t seen her eat or drink anything in all that time either.

Now, I may be a tree, but I’m not a moron. You still need to fucking eat, lady. What an idiot.

Image via Shutterstock

  1. Drunk Chris Berman

    Shit like this makes it so obvious that TFM has fallen and will eventually fail

    8 years ago at 2:11 pm
  2. Mitch The Godfather Martin

    Should just be honest with yourself and identify as a fucking vegetable. Pull the plug for fuck’s sake.

    8 years ago at 5:42 pm
  3. SigmaAlphaEpsilon2019

    One of the good things about you identifying as a plant is that we’re now able to chop your ass down with an ax.

    8 years ago at 1:56 am
  4. SparkNotes Pledge

    Social commentary on gender identification through extended metaphor; Describes his gender as a tree.
    Witnesses the death of a social justice warrior, probably wouldn’t have died if she ate and drank.

    8 years ago at 2:03 am
    1. Mitch The Godfather Martin

      the remnants of an upperdeckered toilet that has been smacked several times with a sledge hammer

      8 years ago at 12:16 am