I Never Want to Tailgate at Indiana University
Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
Indiana University, which once resided at the top of Playboy’s list of party schools, has now made tailgating for any of their Hoosier’s home games about as fun as tailgating at a convent, for a funeral, by BANNING handles of hard liquor at the tailgate field.
A GDI in Frat Clothing, IFC Vice President of Communications William Kragie says that the banning of handles of liquor was done in an attempt to “re-brand the Greek experience at IU.” Yeah…by turning it into a bullshit one. Apparently, the presence of handles upon handles of cheap grain liquor on the tailgate field was considered a “dangerous tailgate practice.” Are you kidding me? The only thing you’re in danger of while tailgating is a good time. I mean, yeah, maybe you can black out, but over all…the point of tailgating is to get incredibly rowdy with your pair and heckle everyone. Does IU seriously expect their students to do this on beer alone?
Dean of Students Harold Goldsmith said that the traditional tailgate experience, “wasn’t a very positive atmosphere…I was asked what would improve the image of the greek community on-campus.”
Apparently, last year during the first two weeks of IU’s football season, 99 excise tickets were issued to inebriated Greeks.
Only 99? For a school that boasts over 40,000 students, I think IU should try harder to get rowdy.
Consequences for violating the no handles rule will include police intervention. Oh, and apparently recycling receptables are being placed on tailgating fields to encourage students to recycle their shotgunned beer cans.
Has the Big 10 been taken over by hippie geeds? Is this a sick joke? Tailgating is a rite of passage. It’s an event of paramount importance to any college student’s career. Apparently, Indiana can’t even look forward to a mediocre football game anymore.
Let’s all do an extra pull from our vodka handles this weekend in memory of the liberal arts college formerly known as Indiana University.
- [via IDS]
Yeah. I’m not expecting a different tailgate tomorrow because of this. There are a billion ways to fix it. I AM expecting a different tailgate because of the rain, though.
13 years ago at 11:09 pmIt’s gonna take alot of 1/5ths to make up for the handle ban
13 years ago at 12:04 am2.5 times as much, to be exact.
13 years ago at 1:21 am^ Are you fucking retarded? A fifth is .750 L and a handle is 1.75 L. That is only 2.33 times as much. You stupid fucking hillbilly. You must go to IU.
12 years ago at 5:51 pmIf you have any common sense the rule clearly states “no handles” you can still bring bring hard alcohol, just not in handle form.
13 years ago at 12:16 amBending the rules. TFM.
While you may be right, you still go to Indiana.
13 years ago at 11:49 pmwhy do yall write about big ten football? do you really think anyone cares?
13 years ago at 12:24 amEven though I go to UK… I agree. SEC is all that matters during football season.
13 years ago at 11:00 pmFuck IFC, they are slowly ruining the geek philosophy of getting drunk as fuck, having fun, and pounding pussy.
13 years ago at 1:21 amI usually just say this for everything but this time I mean it, Fucking liberals are taking away all that is fun in this country.
13 years ago at 1:51 amGeek philosophy? Die in a hole.
13 years ago at 1:48 amOur IFC is shafting us this year too.
13 years ago at 9:23 amOver under that I’m an IU alumnae?
13 years ago at 2:09 amI can speak for all of us with certainty when I say, We don’t care.
13 years ago at 7:20 am^Fucking nailed it.
13 years ago at 9:10 amOver Under? Learn how to gamble before you start hanging with the big boys, toots.
13 years ago at 11:45 amalumnae is plural. You’re lookin for alumna. And due to that error, I’m gonna guess that you are an IU alumna.
13 years ago at 2:36 pmAlot of money for therapy will be spent because of this post.
13 years ago at 11:38 pmStimulating the economy by making people go to therapy. TFM
13 years ago at 1:51 amYou can’t bet over/under on something that only has two outcomes.
13 years ago at 6:03 pmI hope not, clearly all you got from college was your ticket to pound town stamped
13 years ago at 5:15 amYou’re stupid. You’re a stupid woman, and we know more than you about things. Dummy.
13 years ago at 7:45 pmthey’ll just find another way to get the liquor in there. Don’t underestimate the resolution of a sober fraternity man.
13 years ago at 11:44 amI have a long standing tradition of not remembering how an IU tailgate ends. Don’t ruin this for me IFC
13 years ago at 12:43 pmJust slam some robitussin instead.
13 years ago at 4:21 pmAs far as I can tell, a handle is a bottle with a handle on it… sorry cap’n and sailor, you server the fields well. This “story” is BS. As long as it is not glass, there are still fifths, pints, flasks, water bottles, 5 gallon gatorade coolers, and any other means of containing alcohol in non 1.75L containers. Guess we will have to stay from $10 handles of vodka now… shux
13 years ago at 5:18 amThis ^^^
13 years ago at 8:14 pm