If You’re A Confident Asshole, Hookups Are Good For You

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Casual sex is what our generation does. We’re like the generation that grew up in the ’60s in that regard, but with a lot less dirty hippy smell and anti-war protests. It’s probably a good thing that at least for those of us who are okay with boning our way through life, it’s healthy, too. A study conducted at Northeastern of students and their sociosexual orientation (basically, how they feel about sex and their attitudes toward casual sex) recently determined people who are sociosexually permissive and willing to engage in lots of casual sex have higher rates of happiness and lower rates of low self-esteem issues after repeatedly sealing the deal.

The improved outcome of making the rounds of poundtown in the study correlates highly to extroverts, who are likely to be ” ‘impulsive’ men who are more likely to be attractive, ‘physically strong,’ and ‘more sexist, manipulative, coercive and narcissistic’ than their peers.” So, congrats to everyone reading this article right now. I, for one, plan on taking advantage of this in my next conversation with a girl on Tinder. Casual sex, like a glass of red wine, is something we should do daily.

This goes against the general psychological and sociological mantra of “casual sex is bad across the board,” presumably posited by guys who haven’t seen a vagina since college anatomy class. The idea that casual sex is good for people who enjoy it isn’t that new, but it is one that science had consistently attempted to challenge out of some weird, misguided motivation, probably related to the social stigmas that had been up until recently associated with enjoying casual sex. After all, for most of our history, that shit would get you stoned, drawn and quartered, or murdered by an angry mob of peasants. It’s good that science has finally caught up to what we’ve all been saying for years: sometimes you just need to get laid to feel great, especially if you’re a confident asshole.

[via Slate]

  1. ChiPhiGST

    Isn’t confident assholes having casual sex basically the premise for this whole website?

    11 years ago at 12:03 pm
  2. The Sixth Year

    “Casual sex is what our generation does.” – the mantra of the 1920’s, the 60’s, the 70’s, the 90’s, and now.

    11 years ago at 12:49 pm
  3. TheCoch

    You mean to tell me that people who get laid are happier than those who don’t?! Wow, this is a huge breakthrough..

    11 years ago at 1:11 pm