I’m Officially Over The Club Scene

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Turning 22 seemed irrelevant. After all, you’ve been able to legally drink in public for a year, so how much could life change other than the cold, unforgiving world of postgrad creeping up on you closer than ever? Surely, 22 would still yield countless adventures of drunken nights turned mornings that 21 produced, right? Wrong. I made a great life revelation when I turned 22: I hate clubs.

Yeah, I said it. Hate me for it. I absolutely despise clubs and the club scene. I mean clubs like dance clubs with a party scene, not normal beer joint type bars. At one point in time I did enjoy it. A lot, actually. As soon as you’re newly minted as a legal alcoholic in society, the prospect of a dance club blasting loud EDM music until the early hours of the morning seems amazing. You pay no attention to the senseless cover charges, overpriced liquor, and music so loud you probably can’t hear yourself think. It seems even better when you realize that if it’s a decent, self-respecting place of business, it’s probably full of gorgeous women. Your chances of getting drunk and laid grow astronomically and you think to yourself, this, this is what I’ve been waiting my entire life for, and it’s worth it!

Newsflash: It’s not worth it. As soon as that high and adrenaline rush of being 22 wears off, those clubs that seemed like heaven on earth become a living hell. The grandeur wears away and you realize it’s a miserable place to be. Alcohol is so expensive you can most likely get a six pack at your friendly, neighborhood liquor store for a price of one drink at the club. The past few times I went to a club I didn’t even get drunk because I literally didn’t have enough money to pay for it. It was like my bank account was forcing sobriety on me or something. Next you realize the DJ is most likely a wanna-be Skrillex whose day job is working part time at a Cheesecake Factory so he can afford the rent in his parents’ basement. You go out expecting a good time, and next thing you know it’s 2:00 a.m., you’re probably a few hundred dollars poorer, and you have a ringing in your ears that won’t go away as you stumble into your Uber in the shady parking lot.

Maybe I’m biased. After all, I’m from the Jersey shore. Any and all clubs I would go to are degenerate hangouts once inhabited by Snooki and JWow. Now they’re populated by wanna be guidos who took the parkway south down from New York. And have you ever seen how crowded these clubs get? Look, I’m all down for drinking, hanging out with friends, and meeting new people, but I’d rather not do it in a place that’s as crowded as a bottom tier frat party on syllabus week filled to the brim with over excited freshmen.

Before you all bitch at me for sounding like an old grumpy man, which maybe I’m turning into, I still love going out and drinking. Maybe just instead of going to the cesspools that are clubs, go to a nice bar instead. One that will allow you to hang out, have a few beers with friends, and not worrying about a drunk sorority girl throwing up on your shoes.

Most of us outgrew the overcrowded party scene freshman year, but there’s no shame in heading back to that lifestyle. I know I’ll probably go to a club soon. Once I go back there, I’ll probably only be able to last 20 minutes before I hate my life and wish I was at a sports bar instead.

Image via Shutterstock

  1. InternationalFratStudent

    I’m 20 and I think every dance club should burn to the ground for charging 20 bucks for a fucking drink

    7 years ago at 11:03 am
    1. Fratty McFratFrat

      When you go through rush in the fall, be sure to suggest a Karaoke Night mixer.

      7 years ago at 12:08 pm
      1. Mustard Man

        A Karaoke Night mixer? Sick man which pair of my cargo shorts should I wear?

        7 years ago at 2:13 pm
    1. ItalianStallion

      Djais and Porta in Asbury are the worst of the worst. I can fuck with Bar A in Belmar, though

      7 years ago at 12:26 pm
    2. fratkickass

      Djais is only good for happy hour. Once 5:30 rolls around and the entire disgusting population of Staten Island shows up it’s time to leave and head to leggets

      7 years ago at 2:09 pm
  2. frat__dog

    Completely agree. Ordered 2 rum & cokes in NYC last weekend assuming they’d be $8-12 each and almost threw up when the bartender gave me a $38 bill.

    7 years ago at 12:20 pm
    1. Dave1029

      The actual reason drinks are so fucking expensive is because of the absurd levels of insurance and rent that clubs have to pay for especially in places like Miami and NYC. On top of that, cities usually tax the fuck out of them through licenses. I mean I’m sure they’re overpriced but they’re not making the margins you think. Thank Uncle Sam. Fuck big government.

      7 years ago at 1:01 am
      1. ChelseaJames

        I’m making 80 dollar an hour W0rking from home. I was shocked when my neighbour told me she was averaging 115 dollars but I see how it W0rks now. I feel so much freedom now that I’m my own boss. .This is what i DO.. Go this Web Click Here Go this web-site Start your work…Good Luck..

        7 years ago at 4:43 am
  3. HouseDirector

    You know what would be great? A forum section where we could discuss the worst clubs in each geographical region of the continental united states. My vote goes to the hole in the wall drinking establishments with no competition for ~20 miles around. Horror stories.

    7 years ago at 12:42 pm
  4. ASUEN11

    You lost me once you said you couldn’t afford to get drunk. Being poor in a club- NF.

    7 years ago at 1:34 pm
  5. Luke820

    You left out all the cologne-reeking Armenians inevitably trying to get with 17 year old girls

    7 years ago at 3:23 pm
  6. Steve_from_college

    You’re from the Jersey Shore and your name is “Italian Stallion”?…could have fooled me

    7 years ago at 3:23 pm
  7. Chedda B 225

    But isn’t the club scene the natural habitat of the north Eastern Italian American?

    7 years ago at 4:38 pm