espn defense valid

In Defense Of ESPN’s Robert Lee Decision

espn defense valid

Political correctness on college campuses is one of the most infuriating topics to cover. It has now spilled over into the real world to where you’re either bitching about toppling a 100-year-old statue just so you can get some retweets or you’ve gone extreme on the other side and you walk through the streets of Charlottesville shouting racist stuff with cargo pants on. Political correctness can be a disease, yet somehow I find myself defending ESPN today.

The University of Virginia’s decision to take down a statue of Confederate War Gen. Robert E. Lee and the subsequent white nationalist protests and counter-protests have led ESPN to reshuffle its play-by-play lineup. ESPN moved play-by-play announcer Robert Lee, an Asian-American, from the UVA home opener to the Youngstown versus Pitt game simply because he shares the same name.

“We collectively made the decision with Robert to switch games as the tragic events in Charlottesville were unfolding, simply because of the coincidence of his name,” ESPN said in a statement to The Washington Post. “In that moment it felt right to all parties. It’s a shame that this is even a topic of conversation and we regret that who calls play-by-play for a football game has become an issue.”

The statement could’ve — and probably should’ve — continued on with what I imagine that phone convo or email exchange was like.

“Hey Rob. It’s [ESPN exec]. This shit in Charlottesville is pretty crazy and dumb, right? Did you notice you have the same name as that stupid statue they’re tearing down? Yeah, me neither. Honestly, I don’t really feel like dealing with this SJW shit and I’m sure you don’t either. You just wanna switch games? We’ll toss in a nicer hotel or something. Ight, sweet. Much love.”

Robert Lee isn’t exactly a Brent Musberger-level celebrity. Sure, being an ESPN broadcaster is cool, but you’re not going to stop in your tracks when he pops up on your TV. You likely wouldn’t know his name when you look at the list of broadcasters. Maybe down the road in his career, but not now. That’s why ESPN’s decision to have him swap games seemed incredibly minor.

And do you really think he was upset about it? Both matchups are the first games of the seasons for their respective schools, both of which should blow the other opponent out of the water. Considering SJWs nearly take up arms every time the cafeteria serves tacos or someone dare wear a Trump hat, avoiding a situation where the unfortunate name “Robert Lee” is dangling from a press credential seems like a win for all parties involved.

ESPN has a decently long history of leaning liberal and toeing that line of political correctness, while Fox Sports Radio’s/Outkick The Coverage’s Clay Travis, well… doesn’t. Travis is usually the one right there to call ESPN on its shit, and was the first to do so in this case. I read a lot of Travis pieces and find so many good points in them, this one included. And while I side with ESPN in this issue, I also don’t see an issue with Travis’ reporting. This was a dumb move and deserved to be mocked to a degree. ESPN shouldn’t have had to swap Lee, but it did. I fully believe the move wasn’t politically motivated, though. The network just wanted to avoid a potential headache at the hands of SJWs. Have you ever tried to reason with SJWs? It’s impossible. The only thing ESPN did wrong here was thinking it could quietly make the switch. Whoops.

Think about it — with this move, Lee 1) Doesn’t have to walk into a lion’s den of internet memes and SJW Twitter trolls, 2) Doesn’t have to go to visit a no-fun college town on edge, 3) Gets to have his name plastered on every headline across America in a positive way. Well done, ESPN. This is as much of a win for him as it is for you.

Now can we talk about pulling Stephen A. from everything ever?

[via The Washington Post]

Image via Shutterstock

  1. BobMotherFuckingBarker

    This was obviously never supposed to make it to the press. Is it a dumb overreaction? Yeah. But from a PR standpoint its better just to move this guy off the game, that 5 people are gonna watch anyway, to save the headache altogether. Makes perfect sense when you think about it.

    7 years ago at 3:12 pm
    1. FratrickDempsey

      How is pointing out that ESPN took left wing stupidity to a new level an “overreaction?”

      7 years ago at 5:00 pm
  2. smithpm

    This is the correct take. ESPN would have gotten tons of negative press and be the butt of endless memes had he remained on the broadcast because of the ever increasing horde of triggerable SJWs out there.

    I honestly did not see this reverse blowback coming. Damned if you do/don’t.

    7 years ago at 3:16 pm
    1. TheyDroveDixieDown

      Agree. This was them doing everything humanly possible to stay non political and they still got fucked by people with a political agenda. What a weird time to be alive.

      7 years ago at 4:23 pm
  3. dcheat

    If it’s such a minor deal, then why do it in the first place? ESPN wanted to make a big political splash. We can’t even watch sports center anymore…one of the classic relaxing rituals we once had at the end of the day. The end is near.

    7 years ago at 4:07 pm
    1. TheyDroveDixieDown

      You’re a moron. Like you said, everyone loves sportscenter, democrats and republicans both, so why would ESPN try to be political one way or the other just to piss off half of their viewers? This was a stupid move, but they did it to stay out of politics altogether.

      7 years ago at 4:21 pm
      1. FratrickDempsey

        I guess by your logic, celebrities don’t “get political” since it wouldn’t make business sense to upset/offend half of their fans. Get real

        7 years ago at 5:16 pm
      2. TheyDroveDixieDown

        Celebrities are individuals with individual thoughts and positions, ESPN is a corporation that exists for the sole purpose of making money and getting more viewers. If that difference didn’t occur to you in the first place you’re brain dead.

        7 years ago at 5:43 pm
    1. TheyDroveDixieDown

      I can’t tell if “cuck” is an insult or a compliment when it comes from someone as perverted as you.

      7 years ago at 4:31 pm
  4. TheyDroveDixieDown

    It’s not entirely ESPN’s fault. The entire problem with this country is that people can no longer separate their politics from their daily lives. People can’t debate a political issue with friends then go watch a football game like nothing happened anymore. There are tons of people who will get triggered by a guy named Robert Lee because they can’t live normally day to day without everything constantly being about “their” party/opinions.

    7 years ago at 4:29 pm
  5. realDoubleD

    I support removing anything being associated with history of racism. Lets start with the Democratic Party.

    7 years ago at 4:33 pm
    1. FratrickDempsey

      “Anything being associated with a history of racism”

      Well, I guess US History will start in the late 60s then. Or even later, depending on how the SJWs feel

      7 years ago at 5:15 pm
  6. Cuntpunting

    ESPN was just trying to avoid the meme show that Robert Lee announcing a game in Charlottesville right now would’ve created. You aren’t mad at them for being PC, you’re mad at them for taking away our jokes. Which proves their point honestly.

    7 years ago at 4:37 pm
    1. jizzrag69

      You’re a Pike. The only time we want your opinion is when… no come to think of it we never want a pikes opinion

      7 years ago at 6:04 pm
  7. FratrickDempsey

    You think the same people who begged for forgiveness last week when SJWs cried foul over the fantasy football “slave auction” said they don’t feel like “dealing with the SJW bullshit?” Wake up. They kowtow to SJWs because they are SJWs

    7 years ago at 5:06 pm