No GDI, it's not buying your friends. It's making one of the best damn investments of your life. TFM.

  1. GDI

    What you’re missing is that without joining a fraternity, I still get to use the connections from the sigma chi’s and the sigma alpha epsilon’s that I know. I also have ins with other local brothers, but none of them seem to have any connections.

    You are right though; who you know matters. I just didn’t pay to meet them.

    14 years ago at 11:06 pm
    1. Broslippers

      You can still network like that, but the bonds of brotherhood will push your brothers to work much harder to help you along your path. If you’re friends with guys in fraternity, sure they might help you meet some people and find some opportunities, but only brothers will fight to help you reach your goals.

      14 years ago at 8:39 am
    2. BROnald Reagan

      So what your saying is you didn’t get a bid from those fraternities and kinda just follow them around now?

      14 years ago at 9:29 am
    3. GDI

      Drinking and going to parties with someone doesn’t make a bond of brotherhood. Out of all the people in your frat, I’m sure only a few would actually “fight” for you. Which ones? The ones you hang out with most. If those people had any actual respect for you, they wouldn’t treat you like a bitch for a semester (or however long it is to pledge).

      No BROnald, I didn’t even rush.

      14 years ago at 4:32 pm
    1. S.H. Mouse

      shouldn’t you be washing cars or dusting my house? if you dislike it so much, why are you here?

      14 years ago at 8:03 am
  2. Broseidon

    I can’t name a single one I wouldn’t fight for, but have fun getting paid hourly the rest of your life

    14 years ago at 6:34 am
  3. Broseidon

    I can’t think of one i wouldn’t fight for, now enjoy living the rest of your life off a hourly wage.

    14 years ago at 6:34 am