Making the pledges make gingerbread replicas of each sorority house. TFM.

  1. 214 Westwood

    is that what you northerners consider hazing? Sounds like cub scouts shit to me!

    14 years ago at 7:53 am
    1. Tropical-Island

      People will never take northern frats seriously if these fucking geeds keep posting dumb TFMs.

      14 years ago at 4:30 am
  2. Fratter

    The oddysey is at Purdue. Pi Kapps who posted this is from Purdue. They arent a good house at Purdue so this is a expected desperation move for sororities. NF.

    14 years ago at 12:54 am
  3. Kyle Pendleton

    This is hazing. I am going to report you to the ODOS. Forcing your pledges to make ginger bread houses? How does this better your gentlemen?

    14 years ago at 10:05 pm