Dad offered me New Zealand trip for spring break. Turned him down to hit Boston on St. Patty's day on the party bus. TFM.

  1. Go South or Go Home

    I’ve done the Boston on St. Patty’s day. It’s fun just make sure you stay on the bus or you’ll be in geed heaven.

    14 years ago at 10:58 am
    1. John Fratty Kennedy

      yall havent been to the proper northern fraternities. Dont go to geed heaven like mit frats. Come to the allston animal houses. then get busted for pissing on gdis like the rest of us

      14 years ago at 1:57 am
  2. Born to Frat Hard

    going to Boston for St.Patty’s Day NF
    Going to Dublin, Ireland for St.Patty’s Day ! -TFM

    14 years ago at 11:33 am
  3. Sir Evan Williams

    Boston = North of the line = NF
    New Zealand = South of the line = TFM

    Its science.

    14 years ago at 5:39 pm