Instagram Babe Of The Day: Julia From Pennsylvania State University

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Meet Julia, from Penn State.

A photo posted by Julia Merlo (@julsmerlo) on

A photo posted by Julia Merlo (@julsmerlo) on

A photo posted by Julia Merlo (@julsmerlo) on

A photo posted by Julia Merlo (@julsmerlo) on

A photo posted by Julia Merlo (@julsmerlo) on

A photo posted by Julia Merlo (@julsmerlo) on

A photo posted by Julia Merlo (@julsmerlo) on

A photo posted by Julia Merlo (@julsmerlo) on

A photo posted by Julia Merlo (@julsmerlo) on

A photo posted by Julia Merlo (@julsmerlo) on

A photo posted by Julia Merlo (@julsmerlo) on

A photo posted by Julia Merlo (@julsmerlo) on

A photo posted by Julia Merlo (@julsmerlo) on

A photo posted by Julia Merlo (@julsmerlo) on

A photo posted by Julia Merlo (@julsmerlo) on

A photo posted by Julia Merlo (@julsmerlo) on

A photo posted by Julia Merlo (@julsmerlo) on

  1. Girth__Brooks

    Ahh Penn state jerseys with no pants. Takes me back to some confusing times in my youth at football camp.

    9 years ago at 9:16 am
  2. Pro Box Eater

    She looks like she would be down for random box eating. I volunteer as tribute.

    9 years ago at 9:23 am
    1. Pro Box Eater

      Guess we have a lot of “non box eaters” in here. Must be in the Canadian TFM app.

      9 years ago at 1:50 pm

    Although hot and would pee; she’s too much upkeep and those thighs have a shelf life nearing expiration.

    9 years ago at 9:40 am
  4. The Dukes

    She looks like the type of girl that would have no problem cutting your dick off if you cheated on her. I like that kind of moxie in a young lady.

    9 years ago at 9:41 am
  5. GirthBrooks

    Looks like the type of girl that would cheat on you and somehow make it your fault.

    9 years ago at 10:08 am