Instagram Babe Of The Day: Keila From University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Meet Keila, from University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

A photo posted by Keila Tavares (@keilatvv) on

A photo posted by Keila Tavares (@keilatvv) on

A photo posted by Keila Tavares (@keilatvv) on

A photo posted by Keila Tavares (@keilatvv) on

A photo posted by Keila Tavares (@keilatvv) on

A photo posted by Keila Tavares (@keilatvv) on

A photo posted by Keila Tavares (@keilatvv) on

A photo posted by Keila Tavares (@keilatvv) on

A photo posted by Keila Tavares (@keilatvv) on

A photo posted by Keila Tavares (@keilatvv) on

A photo posted by Keila Tavares (@keilatvv) on

A photo posted by Keila Tavares (@keilatvv) on

A photo posted by Keila Tavares (@keilatvv) on

A photo posted by Keila Tavares (@keilatvv) on

A photo posted by Keila Tavares (@keilatvv) on

  1. DaleEarnhardtJesus

    How does someone from out of state convince their parents to go to UNLV?

    10 years ago at 9:41 am
    1. Master in Commander

      They don’t, it’s a shitty commuter campus with piss poor everything besides cocaine.

      10 years ago at 10:35 am
    2. ElephantInTheRoom

      My cousin wants to go to dental school but he only has like a 3.4 GPA, and I over heard last Christmas break them talking about him applying to UNLV. They recently just got a dental school, and people who can’t get into their respected state dental class go to UNLV – School of Dentistry since they aren’t technically accredited until the first years class graduates. This according to my uncle who is obviously a dentist. Other than that, my parents would not have entertained the thought of me going to school in Nevada, unless I wanted to become a dentist, which I am obviously not.

      10 years ago at 10:51 am
  2. TooBusyYachting

    There is no way the names of these chicks were originally spelt that way. Their daddy issues must have been so great that they changed their name’s spelling to sound more like outrageous stripper names.

    10 years ago at 11:09 am
  3. Shibby

    Forum Topic: TFM Staff Superlatives.

    Most likely to have no soul: Whiskey Ginger
    Most kids trapped in his basement: Roger Dorn
    Least likely to get a haircut:SFPL
    Most likely to win a hot dog eating contest: Tie between the entire TSM staff and SFPL.

    10 years ago at 11:19 am
    1. Shibby

      Most likely to develop an office romance at the Grandex Christmas Party: The Intern and Bacon

      10 years ago at 1:02 pm
    2. Conrad the Constitution

      Most likely to overdose on Creatine and pumpkin spice flavored Four Loco: Jack Hammer

      10 years ago at 1:14 pm
    3. Conrad the Constitution

      Most likely to be surprised someone finally noticed him: Carter ( the art director).

      10 years ago at 1:21 pm
    4. FrattinSince1839

      Most likely to be convicted of sexual assault/some kind of stalking: Durant

      10 years ago at 1:49 pm
    5. Lena Dunham TfeministM

      Most likely to panic if me and my Third Wave womyn send him a strongly worded email about the “misogynistic” this or that:
      Roger Dorn

      10 years ago at 1:58 pm
      1. John Clayton


        10 years ago at 3:58 pm
    6. Lena Dunham TfeministM

      Most likely to come to the realization that doing porn and getting fisted for 3k sounds a hell of a lot better than seeing Dorn’s ugly mug every morning: Hot Piece of TSM

      10 years ago at 3:56 pm
  4. Conrad the Constitution

    Most likely to get an operation so he can date an Olympic swimmer: Whiskey Ginger.

    10 years ago at 11:26 am