False. Only a fucking loser geed would miss the birth of their lineage or the uniting of two great American families to go to the Superbowl. Stop trying, if you weren’t born FaF, you’ll never be. Now, if these guys were able to have all their children/grandchildren born and family wedding AT the Superbowl, that would be a TFM.
FratGrenade, Rapelisberger is NF. Any professional athlete can get the most FaF house, pool, slampieces and cars. There are plenty of geeds with money unfortunately. It’s also insanely NF to be a rapist, not considering that you’re probably in one of those fraternities that roofies almost every slampiece in sight because you can’t get them with out taking advantage of them. The only reason I watch the superbowl is because it is a traditional American event. Use some consideration next time before you call a geed like rapelisberger FaF.
*Alleged rapist
And he is a winner. Winning is FaF. He drinks excessive amounts of alcohol. FaF. He went to MU. FaF. Just because you come from a poor southern family doesn’t mean you have to discredit any successful northerner by measuring their “frattiness” with your own biased definition.
That group of men = FaF.
14 years ago at 11:34 amFalse. Only a fucking loser geed would miss the birth of their lineage or the uniting of two great American families to go to the Superbowl. Stop trying, if you weren’t born FaF, you’ll never be. Now, if these guys were able to have all their children/grandchildren born and family wedding AT the Superbowl, that would be a TFM.
14 years ago at 12:54 pmQuit trying so hard White Cross.
14 years ago at 2:25 pmIf you miss your kids being born to go to the Super Bowl, then you’re a social degenerate.
14 years ago at 11:54 amthis makes me laugh.
14 years ago at 12:35 pmThis comment deserves an exalt, which is far greater than a nice move.
14 years ago at 12:48 pmeverything “frattiesburg” has to say blows dick. i hope you knock your two front teeth out.
14 years ago at 12:54 pmYep. I’m trying to be as cool as you.
14 years ago at 2:14 pmCollege Football > NFL.
Look at these two Geed teams we got today. Rapelisberger and Rodgers (Ohio Geed and a Cali Geed)
14 years ago at 1:23 pmRoethlisberger is FaF. He has 2 rings (3 soon to be) before age 30 and a huge pool with a swim up bar and 7 painted at the bottom of it.
14 years ago at 1:47 pmFratGrenade, Rapelisberger is NF. Any professional athlete can get the most FaF house, pool, slampieces and cars. There are plenty of geeds with money unfortunately. It’s also insanely NF to be a rapist, not considering that you’re probably in one of those fraternities that roofies almost every slampiece in sight because you can’t get them with out taking advantage of them. The only reason I watch the superbowl is because it is a traditional American event. Use some consideration next time before you call a geed like rapelisberger FaF.
14 years ago at 2:20 pm*Alleged rapist
14 years ago at 2:31 pmAnd he is a winner. Winning is FaF. He drinks excessive amounts of alcohol. FaF. He went to MU. FaF. Just because you come from a poor southern family doesn’t mean you have to discredit any successful northerner by measuring their “frattiness” with your own biased definition.
looks like the south’s time to shine in the NFL is over. you’re right, stick to college and let real men play in the pros.
14 years ago at 2:34 pm1871- Yeah since the location of NFL teams directly corresponds to where their players are from. You fucking moron.
14 years ago at 2:49 pmI’m assuming you’re from Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, or one of the other states without a NFL team.
14 years ago at 3:49 pmAgreed that College Football > NFL
14 years ago at 4:04 pmEveryone knows that one of them was hospitalized earlier this week and will be missing the superbowl right?
14 years ago at 2:16 pmWho the hell has a wedding on Superbowl Sunday? > some non-American geed family thats who.
14 years ago at 3:42 pmSo it’s safe to assume that you’re implying that you’ve never missed a Super Bowl. That means that you’re at least 45 years old…I somewhat doubt that.
14 years ago at 5:30 pmthe guy got sick and was in the hospital during the bowl….. Combo Breaker!
14 years ago at 4:20 pm