IPA Beer Causes Man Boobs By Filling You With Estrogen, Which Explains Why Hipsters Are Pussies
If hipsters keep sipping IPAs, it will soon become difficult for them to look down on people through their non-prescription glasses as a growing set of massive man tits will obstruct their line of sight. A groundbreaking scientific reveal tells us India Pale Ales are threatening to rip the buttons off their leather vests and expose their ample male bosoms.
The news was broken by Munchies, which is the food branch of the VICE network, the bible of all things hipster. Notice how he starts the article with, “Not many people know this …”
From Munchies:
Not many people know this, but those hops in your favorite IPA are actually wonderful medicine for insomnia and menopause, thanks to their high phytoestrogen content. These same phytoestrogens, however, might be less desirable for men, as indicated by the common condition known among brewers as Brewer’s Droop.
Yes, you read that right: Hops are giving men man boobs.
Hipsters love IPAs. IPAs are extremely hoppy. Hops fills you with an estrogen-like compound. Hipsters are pussies. The world makes a little more sense.
This means if regular people drink IPAs, they run the risk of turning into hipsters. Don’t think it can’t happen to you. You’ll down a Lagunitas thinking, “Ah, this has way more flavor than a Bud Light.” Next thing you know, you’ll be knitting a sweater in the corner of the bar while your boy pokes your man boobs and asks for a glass of milk.
There you have it. The more you bring an IPA to your lips, the harder it will be to do so with all that extra tit meat restricting your arm movement. It’s best to steer clear of the substance all together.
On the other hand, ladies looking to graduate a cup size could really benefit from making the switch. Order an IPA, get bigger tits, then get free IPAs and even bigger tits..
[via Munchies]
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Well I guess no more Foothills and Dogfis Head.
10 years ago at 9:45 pmFoothills’ barrel aged Sexual Chocolate imperial stout is the one of the best beers coming out of NC.
10 years ago at 9:14 amDoes anyone on this site go for a stout?
10 years ago at 2:32 amMost men can enjoy cheap domestics as well as a nice craft beer. Get with the times.
10 years ago at 11:09 amHahaha hipsters don’t even drink real IPAs, unless you consider whatever you can find at Publix that
10 years ago at 2:22 pmIPA has three letters, so does GDI… coincidence? I think not
10 years ago at 12:39 amHops gives you tits, wheat gives you a gut, fuck it imma do like that Irish guy and just start chugging liquor. I will take my laps but the dad body may get you laid BUT being in shape will get you laid even more flesh taco from hotter women.
10 years ago at 5:06 pmi ment to insert an and^, laced up ready for the laps.
10 years ago at 5:07 pmBoosh probably hasn’t even heard of Bourbon Barrel-Aged Beers either. Bud doesn’t do that.
10 years ago at 9:33 am