Got in a fist fight with a GDI over the last case of Fratty Light at the gas station as I was stocking the Frat Castle for the winter storm apocalypse. TFM.
bro tanks and gelled hair are sweet bro im sure one of the fine jewish or business fraternities on your campus are throwing the best beer pong tourny everrrr or maybe we can have a barn dance and try and act like we are southern for a few hours and fail, all else fails just go to gdi joes and do smirnoff shots with some townies yeahhhhhh
most houses in the nation yet everone in them might as well be a geed
We frat hard at U of I, dressed to the 9s and all. So don’t hate on what you don’t know about. This poster is still a scrub though; I bought 25 cases of Fratty Light for our last rush party last week and nobody stood between me and those cases but the nice Super Pantry lady with a handtruck.
All I can imagine with this post are two UofI GDIs in hoodies and backward hats punching each other over a case of beer at some godforsaken gas station in the middle of a cornfield. About as NF as it gets.
this is a lie.
14 years ago at 11:09 pmU of I = NF
14 years ago at 11:37 pmu of i =FaF
14 years ago at 1:15 ambro tanks and gelled hair are sweet bro im sure one of the fine jewish or business fraternities on your campus are throwing the best beer pong tourny everrrr or maybe we can have a barn dance and try and act like we are southern for a few hours and fail, all else fails just go to gdi joes and do smirnoff shots with some townies yeahhhhhh
most houses in the nation yet everone in them might as well be a geed
Illinois= NF
U of I= geed as fuck
there’s more to it than letters and a house
14 years ago at 2:12 amWe frat hard at U of I, dressed to the 9s and all. So don’t hate on what you don’t know about. This poster is still a scrub though; I bought 25 cases of Fratty Light for our last rush party last week and nobody stood between me and those cases but the nice Super Pantry lady with a handtruck.
14 years ago at 1:33 pmWhat the fuck is the guy above me talking about? Damn Yankees
14 years ago at 3:01 pmWay to stay classy by fighting a GDI. Were you wearing letters too?
14 years ago at 12:24 amNot classy at all. Fighting over cheap beer? Really?
14 years ago at 1:10 amPresuming this actually happened, did you at least win?
14 years ago at 1:36 amthis is the type of post that you take out back and shoot
14 years ago at 1:57 amCool story bro. But you should have just bought better beer and let the GDI have it. God knows he couldn’t afford anything else.
14 years ago at 3:27 amAll I can imagine with this post are two UofI GDIs in hoodies and backward hats punching each other over a case of beer at some godforsaken gas station in the middle of a cornfield. About as NF as it gets.
14 years ago at 11:39 amHahahaha, second
14 years ago at 12:46 pmI’ll bet you that case of Natty that none of this ever happened.
14 years ago at 8:57 pm