Mother just got a letter from Obama recognizing her outstanding community service. Dad made her throw it away, because "We aren't proud of any accomplishment that socialist is proud of." TFM.
He definitely has socialist tendencies. If you say otherwise, I suggest doing some reading and stop being a fucking idiot. Capitalism to socialism doesn’t happen overnight, so he is making it gradual.
One of the greatest Presidents in American history was slightly socialist and he pulled this country out of the Great Depression. Sorry guys, but this country needs a little bit of all spectrums to operate correctly.
That’s just stupid…
14 years ago at 10:11 pmx2
14 years ago at 10:20 pmcubed
14 years ago at 10:53 pmHe’s not socialist dumbass
14 years ago at 11:10 pmYes he is.
14 years ago at 11:13 pmHe’s a liberal, but saying he’s a socialist is just fucking stupid.
14 years ago at 11:15 pmWhat do you think Obamacare is?
14 years ago at 11:28 pmstanding up for Obama=NF
14 years ago at 11:38 pmHe’s liberal with socialist traits and beliefs. Which is as NF as it gets.
14 years ago at 11:56 pmhaving the sense to know the difference between socialism and liberal capitalism = TFM.
14 years ago at 11:56 pmHe definitely has socialist tendencies. If you say otherwise, I suggest doing some reading and stop being a fucking idiot. Capitalism to socialism doesn’t happen overnight, so he is making it gradual.
14 years ago at 10:58 amOne of the greatest Presidents in American history was slightly socialist and he pulled this country out of the Great Depression. Sorry guys, but this country needs a little bit of all spectrums to operate correctly.
14 years ago at 4:15 pmanyone notice that an “a” is missing in this post?
14 years ago at 11:59 pmNo…It’s a quote referring to Obama as “that,” there isn’t any missing “a.”
14 years ago at 12:24 amThank you, Fraterbury. Some people are trying entirely too hard to critique posts.
14 years ago at 1:56 amObama is the definition of GDI
14 years ago at 1:37 amThere’s no “A” missing but there is a comma missing before his quotation. NF. You never put a comma before “Because.” NF. He must be in Delta Chi.
14 years ago at 9:33 amhe’s the president of the United States of America. so you shut the fuck up regardless of you’re leanings.
14 years ago at 12:30 pmEver heard of freedom of speech?
14 years ago at 5:07 pmno I have never heard of freedom of speech.
14 years ago at 8:43 pm