Naked Old Man Ruins Blonde Girl’s Edgy Senior Pics

Senior Pics

For most public school kids, it’s the last, fleeting weeks of a golden summer. This is the time of year when thousands of soon-to-be-seniors descend on the woods, beaches, and gritty urban wastelands of the world to take edgy, thought-provoking senior pictures.

At least that’s what Jillian Henry (@jill_henn) from Eugene, Oregon tried to do on Sunday. She put on her best dress, waded out into the middle of a creek, and was halfway through a wicked Blue Steel when a totally nude fat guy and his dog emerged from the bushes.

Her reaction is perfectly captured in this tweet, that has since gone viral, racking up thousands of likes and retweets. She’s got her head turned in a way that somehow simply says, “Is that? Yeah, that’s a fat naked guy. Jesus.” It’s a celebration of all of life’s random, unforeseen surprises.

Maybe this man/dog combo is the Spirit of the Wild, coming to welcome Jillian across a grand threshold as she passes from girl to woman and joins the ever-living Circle of Life.

Or maybe he’s just a naked, toked up hippy. It is Eugene, after all.

Thanks for posting, Jill.

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Image via Twitter/@jill_henn

  1. CornIsFrat

    The dude’s probably just trying to cope with the untimely loss of Harambe like rest of us. Take it was on him.

    8 years ago at 1:30 pm
  2. TheMcConaissance

    How is this in any way, shape, or form related to fraternity life? It’s an article about a fully clothed minor and a naked dude

    8 years ago at 2:08 pm