Juggalos And Trump Supporters Set To Clash In D.C., May Very Well Be The End Of Days
I don’t care what anyone else says, 2017 just officially became the greatest year in human history. Why? Well it seems that a Juggalo march and a pro-Trump rally are on a collision course with one another next month since they’ll both be taking place at the same location, on the same day.
Let’s rewind for a minute. For any of you lucky souls who don’t know what a juggalo is, it’s a term for hardcore fans of the Insane Clown Posse. Last year, they started organizing a march in Washington to protest the…discrimination that they face? They’ll be marching in full-on clown make-up and baggy clothes that haven’t looked fashionable since 1996. A few years ago, the FBI legally classified them as a loosely affiliated gang. This is them fighting the power, I guess.
Meanwhile, a man named Tommy Gunn, a self-described “pissed off American” is organizing a massive rally for supporters of President Trump. He’s describing it as “the mother of all rallies” and it’s intention is to “demand protection for traditional American culture while they express their love for the United States and the America First agenda.”
These 2 separate marches with both be taking place in D.C. on September 16th, a few miles away from each other. Two massive groups of passionate, angry people will be in such close proximity. This begs the essential question…. Will there be blood?
Forget Mayweather-McGregor, this is the fight of the year. The second Civil War but even more intense. A gigantic, brutal battle that’s been brewing — arguably — for centuries. Stay home, hug your loved ones and keep your distance. And make no mistake, this will reshape modern America as we know it.
Imagine having a time machine, going back 10 years and showing someone this story. The actual story of “a giant rally of Insane Clown Posse fans will be marching the same day as supporters of President Donald Trump.” 2017 is the year God started getting creative..
[via CBS News]
Image via Youtube
Wally, do us all a favor and go scream racial slurs in the hood
7 years ago at 10:14 amHah!
7 years ago at 12:24 pmThink how understaffed pawn shops and Jiffy Lubes across the country will be that day
7 years ago at 10:27 ampfft some juggalos have associate degrees as a medical assistant and bachelors in medical office management……are you working at the jiffy lube or pawn shop?
7 years ago at 12:58 pmNo. No they don’t. If they had actual intelligence they would be fans of ICP.
7 years ago at 2:12 pmpfft you kids are complacent to your own nescience…..maybe you should reconcider your gene pool and just cancel it in its entirety….im a juggalo and have two degrees…….have any of you held a job? doubt it
7 years ago at 6:53 pmWho cares about this: but I had a chick strip naked in my front yard at a party in highschool and start screaming ICP. Wasn’t a pretty sight, her nipples looked like tits on her tits. She still had cum (mine) in her hair and someone had to call her parents to pick her up. She lasted a whole 45 minutes at the party. Seriously as if anyone cares it’s just kinda funny and related to ICP
7 years ago at 12:31 amAlso your name implies you prostitute your self to juggaloes. That makes you a jugga-hoe. Tough break
7 years ago at 2:15 pmvery good…you know what a gigolo is….a manwhore……which means ive probably gotten more pussy than you 😉
7 years ago at 6:54 pmI get more pussy in one week than you get in a year
7 years ago at 8:25 pmlol dont like the truth bitchboy…suck it
7 years ago at 6:51 pmI don’t like you. Don’t turn this account into an ongoing gimmick.
7 years ago at 7:22 pmThevaginator wouldn’t appreciate this
7 years ago at 1:38 amSounds like a good plot for the next Purge movie.
7 years ago at 10:46 amWnat the hell is your avatar?
7 years ago at 11:34 amIt’s not a sadistic, racist, slave owner. So I have that going for me.
7 years ago at 11:57 amThe streets will run red with Faygo
7 years ago at 12:01 pmTFM’s most beloved writer
7 years ago at 12:22 pm^ TFM’s most beloved commentor
7 years ago at 7:33 pmWally Bryton I understand how something someone doesnt understand causes unjustified fear or is intellectually handicapped, can perceive to make false judgments on an existing topic. You sir or maam, didnt mean to identify you , are the epitome of ignorance. Juggalos are NOT and NEVER HAVE BEEN a terroristic hate group or gang. If you knew ANYTHING about the scene, you would know juggalos have a strict way of living (aside the antics of some promiscuous individuals). we accept any and all races. because we are FAM. We dont openly start fights, but we WILL defend any attacks. We dont cheat with another juggalos juggalette. It is comparable to an actual family because we are not judged (we are but falsely) by the music or face paint or even if someone is overweight….its camaraderie. Were not even violent until violence steps to us…..and to the contrary of your misleading article….there are ALOT of trump supporters that ARE ‘los. I suggest the next time you decide to pick up a pen and write what you perceive as “intelligent”, please do some research….id hate for you to be further embarrassed by your rhetoric……BTW if i was your supervisor, youd be at the unemployment line…..you are clearly too nescient for me to continue this discussion
7 years ago at 12:57 pmTry less chief try way less
7 years ago at 12:58 pmHow many of those multiple syllabic words did you have to look up?
7 years ago at 2:14 pmHe had his manager at the pawn shop edit his comment before he posted.
7 years ago at 7:35 pmI would bet vaginator is a juggalo
7 years ago at 3:35 pmI would bet you’re a virgin
7 years ago at 4:50 pmHe didn’t deny it…
7 years ago at 7:23 pmGo ahead and sit right back down kid this isn’t a battle you’re gonna win
7 years ago at 9:18 pmI hate seeing white vs white it makes no sense. I hope both parties can state their say and come to a resolution. They have got the right to protest, nothing will be happening. Us whites are the majority and all our neighbor countries mind their business. We will establish new terms on how our communities are, and live according to preferences.
7 years ago at 4:40 pm“We will establish new terms on how our communities are” I don’t think the Klan types are in any social position powerful enough to do anything except parade in their replica SS helmets and hope to God the State police can hold back the people trying to kick their heads in. Nice phrasing too, bud.
7 years ago at 7:31 pmThere is tensions of physical animosity, but we can’t overlook the fact that a protest is legal until people begin attacking protesters; or obstructing the protests that are ongoing. I think that the Right groups are taking it easy because those guys go peacefully, then end up getting disrespected for their ideals.
7 years ago at 5:28 amNothing respectable about being a Nazi or running around in bedsheets
7 years ago at 7:56 amNazi real socialist party was the most perfect refined Party in history. If people claim to be it, you have to live it to its entirety. 21st century goose I don’t know your background but don’t try to sound condescending and tell me that Nazis aren’t men of respect. I put my entire force into protecting the Nazi party.
7 years ago at 4:41 amWally I hope you end up in DC and the Juggalos waterboard you with Faygo.
7 years ago at 5:53 pmThat’s his fetish, though.
7 years ago at 7:32 pmAlright, well afterwards I hope they rip out his eyes with a claw hammer and then buttfuck his corpse.
7 years ago at 9:11 pmClowns Vs clown ass niggas
7 years ago at 10:13 pmWally u a clown ass nigga
7 years ago at 10:14 pm