you claim your school has better fraternities, yet your user name is Balanced Man. “If a contradiction exists, check your premises. One must be incorrect”
Barry, your insight is perfect. While pledging may have sucked ass at the time, it was one of the most FaF things I have ever done. Not many things will top those memories.
Sig Eps at KSU aren’t full Balanced Man, and we also have the longest pledgeship on campus. Also, the only frat boys who wear American Eagle are fucking Betas, and they suck. Also, the losers at KU pop their fucking collars which is NF.
Yeah okay attack my grammar I don’t give a shit, f*** KU being my second choice, I’m not gay, liberal or toke up every day. Not to mention jump on the bandwagon when they do well.
Let the comments debating the spelling of it and which one is best begin.
14 years ago at 8:51 pmDon’t care how you spell it, as long as it ends up in my bloodstream
14 years ago at 10:11 pmAgreed
14 years ago at 10:11 pmOnly way to drink it is straight up.
14 years ago at 9:01 pmno junk.
14 years ago at 9:09 pmKansas is gay.
14 years ago at 11:35 pmNo it’s not.
14 years ago at 12:21 amKansas is God’s country. Cause nobody else wanted it!
14 years ago at 4:40 pmDamn straight. From KSU, but I don’t hate KU frats, even though ours are better.
14 years ago at 12:22 amAmen.
14 years ago at 12:21 amyou claim your school has better fraternities, yet your user name is Balanced Man. “If a contradiction exists, check your premises. One must be incorrect”
14 years ago at 12:28 amno pledging is definitely NF
14 years ago at 12:38 amBarry, your insight is perfect. While pledging may have sucked ass at the time, it was one of the most FaF things I have ever done. Not many things will top those memories.
14 years ago at 3:19 amSolid Rand reference sir.
14 years ago at 3:38 pmyour retarded if you think ksu frats are better than kus. when i visited ksu half the frat guys were wearing american eagle and hollister
14 years ago at 5:44 pmSig Eps at KSU aren’t full Balanced Man, and we also have the longest pledgeship on campus. Also, the only frat boys who wear American Eagle are fucking Betas, and they suck. Also, the losers at KU pop their fucking collars which is NF.
14 years ago at 6:36 pmSig Eps also has the weakest pledgeship on campus
14 years ago at 1:21 pm*have
14 years ago at 1:22 pmIt can be spelled any way depending on where its from.
The FaF way to enjoy it is a single malt scotch with a splash of chilled distilled water.
Jack and cokes are for geeds
14 years ago at 9:47 amLooks like this ad is right out of Mad Men season 1
14 years ago at 12:20 pmKU has wayyy to many liberals, gays, and lesbians to be considered frat at all. Lawrence is a freak town and KU’s fraternities are subpar.
14 years ago at 7:47 pmBesides you being a Gay-hawk.
Nice one bro!
14 years ago at 5:57 pmNot surprising that a Wildcat doesn’t know how to use correct grammar. Congrats on getting into your second choice.
14 years ago at 7:32 pmYeah okay attack my grammar I don’t give a shit, f*** KU being my second choice, I’m not gay, liberal or toke up every day. Not to mention jump on the bandwagon when they do well.
14 years ago at 2:01 pmand disown them when they don’t do well
14 years ago at 2:03 pmHey brother, lets calm down now. Not everyone gets into their dream school.
14 years ago at 2:04 pm