Cleaning out the frat castle then watching the foreign exchange students crawl over our dumpster to get our old furniture. TFM.

    1. hideki fratsui

      excuse me fratonomy, but this website is designed for affluent, white, southern and classy fratters who love their seersucker and makers mark. If you are not all of the above, leave TFM.

      14 years ago at 4:05 am
    2. fratstar808

      Excuse me hideki fratsui, but the mistake in your response was “white, southern.” There are plenty of non white fratters and plenty of northern fratters. Focus your segregation comments on sorostitutes and GDI’s, not on being racist.

      14 years ago at 5:55 pm
  1. Franklin Howard BRObey

    Who said anything about race, a$$ hole? It’s common knowledge that anyone not from America is NF, regardless of ethnicity. Plus, last I checked, there are hundreds of millions of foreigners who are white too. Take your ignorance of this site, fratonomy.

    14 years ago at 6:33 pm