Kansas State Girl Becomes Public Enemy Number One After Going Blackface And Using N-Word On Snapchat
Just hours after Lil Wayne had publicly declared racism dead, some Kansas State girl had to go break out the defibrillator and revive that cold, bigoted corpse back to life.
Dammit. We were so close. Weezy had zipped up racism in a body bag and it was ready for morgue transport. Racism is the Rasputin of social issues. The son of a bitch just won’t die.
So, as you can imagine, homegirl is now the focus of the internet today.
All publicity is good publicity, right Paige? Let’s try to spin this in your favor, shall we? You meant “Ninja.” Blame autocorrect. That’s not blackface, it’s a Sanjaku-tenugui — the ninja’s face wrap. And you’re not throwing up “Westside,” that’s a sai — the three-pronged ninja dagger. You’re still going to take some heat for appropriating Asian culture, but you’d much rather die on that hill than over here looking like the “Jazz Singer.” You didn’t even get a Halloween costume out of the whole thing, either. All you had to do was wait a month and you’d at least have that silver lining. You’re not that bright, huh?
Don’t worry, you’ll have your fifteen minutes of infamy and be completely forgotten about in a few days. That’s just how the World Wide Web works. So hunker down and weather the storm. And for the love of God, don’t be like the Oklahoma SAE kid who held a press conference 2 months after the fact when he was all but a distant memory. Apologize immediately and disappear forever, for your own sake..
Would you bang?
8 years ago at 1:37 pmGonna be a hard pass on my end.
8 years ago at 1:40 pmShe’s a little too big for my tastes. But I do know some people who are into fat white girls…
8 years ago at 1:41 pmOnly if she was in blackface while we did it.
8 years ago at 12:31 pmTo be fair, nigga is not the n-word. The n-word is the hard r
8 years ago at 1:39 pmFuck N1GGERS. God damn apes. All them.
8 years ago at 8:08 pmFuck you dick head
8 years ago at 11:18 pmGo vote for hillaey tyrone
8 years ago at 6:00 amI’m white and Canadian, suck my cock gordo
8 years ago at 11:33 amChill out and try less
8 years ago at 12:32 pmGod you’re a fucking goober
8 years ago at 1:15 pmWould eat her pussy and did she say nigga or the 6 letter version?
8 years ago at 1:40 pmI’d fuck her.
8 years ago at 1:42 pmIf you haven’t sent a non-PC snapchat to your friends before, you’re probably an insufferable cunt. Just shitty she got caught
8 years ago at 1:42 pmIt was her Snapchat story.
8 years ago at 2:04 pmLmao Jesus, I mean I send some fucked up things to my friends but storying it sounds a little too fucked for me. Or it’s a huge power move and I’m a pussy
8 years ago at 2:11 pmSticks and stones may break my bones, but words are hurtful too 🙁
8 years ago at 2:04 pmThis isn’t racism. Racism is the firm belief that you are better than someone else just because of their skin color. Racism is segregation. Racism is oppression. This would be a retarded joke.
8 years ago at 2:07 pmYou can’t use the R word
8 years ago at 3:59 pmOkay retard
8 years ago at 4:01 pmI understand the irony of what you’re saying. You’d think more people on a satirical site would also grasp that concept. Fucking high school kids.
8 years ago at 4:10 pmFucking fat chicks.
8 years ago at 2:08 pmAfter some research, she is indeed hefty. She’s also is guaranteed to use the “I’m not racist. Look at my Facebook. I take pictures with black people all the time”.
8 years ago at 2:57 pmThe irony here is that, as a fat white chick, her potential dating pool would be mostly limited to black guys. But now even they won’t want her. Maybe she can find a desperate Asian guy.
8 years ago at 12:35 pmBlack people get more butt hurt than feminists these days
8 years ago at 2:11 pmThey’re professionals. Professional victims.
8 years ago at 2:12 pmOddly never seen a black SJW, but I bet she’d be a cunt
8 years ago at 11:20 pmMy communications teacher is one. She looks like Kory from the That’s so Raven show. It’s only the second week of class and she brought up genders.
8 years ago at 9:01 amSeriously? There’s tons of them. I think they are just outnumbered by white SJW’s since there aren’t that many black people at most colleges to begin with.
8 years ago at 12:32 pmAny other Caucasians out there not give a shit if black people paint their face white or is it just me?
8 years ago at 2:17 pmi think tyler the creator did a music video in whiteface that kinda tripped me out. but I think he did it to intentionally make people uncomfortable. i thought blackface when it was used back in the day was racist because it was essentially a form of job discrimination. youre basically saying “a black person cant be an actor, we need to paint a white guy”…..these days (now that black people arent losing acting jobs) im not sure black face actually makes any sense. its an out dated joke because those days are gone; which id assume makes it out dated for black people to get upset over (because there are black actors)…..but im white…so i cant speak on their behalf.
8 years ago at 2:57 pmHalf the things he does makes people uncomfortable, still a funny guy
8 years ago at 11:18 pmThe skits Dave Chappelle did in whiteface as the uptight white news anchor were some of my favorites.
8 years ago at 12:30 pm