Making a pledge from my hometown be my sober driver all break even though we are away from school. TFM.

    1. Dixiecrat

      Why would one be jealous of Plano when one lives in Preston Hollow, Lakewood, Highland Park, or University Park? You get the convenience of not being an hour from civilization alongside actual class.

      14 years ago at 8:11 am
  1. Dixiecrat

    I gave you a nice move, but then I saw that you’re from Plano and are new money trash. So, go ahead and mentally take one away from your nice move score every time you look at it.

    14 years ago at 9:58 pm
    1. Frattyshack

      I’m from Plano, I can trace my money from the 1820’s. West Plano is new money. Other elite spots of Plano are old money. So nice move old Plano. West Plano NF.

      14 years ago at 10:16 pm
    2. Dixiecrat

      I have so much old money that I could buy everyone on this site. I love being so rich. I am sending this from my G6. Fuck everyone cause no one will ever understand what it’s like to have money this old.

      14 years ago at 10:15 am
  2. Southern R&R

    This is expected… Pledges don’t get/deserve breaks… Make that bitch pledge grab you some grub while your tabbing out your Amex… Frat on brother

    14 years ago at 2:55 am