Kennesaw State Professor Canned After Wild Night Popping Pills And Slugging Beers On Campus

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Brent Christopher Allsup, a part-time accounting professor at Kennesaw State University, was found passed out on campus by police earlier this month. When asked by police how much he had to drink, Allsup replied that he had consumed anywhere between three to five beers.

I get it, Brent. Nobody ever dreams of being a part-time accounting professor. It’s probably not the ideal life you envisioned for yourself. You most likely pictured yourself in a Wall Street corner office with a great view of the Manhattan sunset, sipping on scotch to wash down your top-of-the-line prescription painkillers to take the edge off work. But that wasn’t in the cards.

However, don’t let the three to five beers deceive you. Brent isn’t soft enough to pass out after only a few drinks.

From AJC:

The Acworth man gave investigators permission to search his car, where they found Hydrocodone, Xanax and amphetamine salts. They also found a half-empty, 16-ounce aluminum beer bottle in the center console, the warrant said.

This man knew how to have a good time. We’ve all heard of the saying “liquor before beer, you’re in the clear…” but I am not sure what there is to say about beer before opioids.

After a quick peruse of his ratemyprofessor page, it looks like Kennesaw State lost a very schmedium professor. Despite this, we need more savage teachers like Allsup.

Allsup was taken into jail and left on $11,220 bail at 2:30 AM the next morning and apparently now on the free agent market.

Allsup is no longer teaching classes due to the investigation.

Someone give my man a T.A. gig.

[via AJC]

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