So are you saying that in a few years you won’t ever go on this site when you want a good laugh and to think back on some memorable college days? Every fraternity gentleman has the right to enjoy this site. You must be some geed that has no respect for your elders.
Marrying your college slampiece, buying her a Lexus with money you make, your first born being a son, dressing him in Oxfords and Weejuns,and buying 5 houses around the campus so you can rent to only KAs is FaF. However, in my case, planning to do it while you’re in college and actually doing it when you graduate is as FaF as it gets. BROlo dolo and YourPoor…your future wife will always wish they married a true Fraternity Man as opposed to your bitch ass.
Having a wife and kids is NF
14 years ago at 4:44 pmHaving a family a few years after graduation is FAF.
14 years ago at 5:00 pmBeing non hetero is GDI too.
14 years ago at 7:22 pmWhen BROlo dolo is 37 years old, single, and still trying to get into parties on his alma mater campus, maybe he’ll regret this post…
14 years ago at 8:54 pmIf I’m not slamming whomever I please on my yacht at 37 (which I will be), then maybe I might regret this post.
14 years ago at 11:00 amSo your dad’s a geed, then? Sorry for being a legacy.
14 years ago at 5:18 pm^funniest comment I’ve ever read on this site, frat on, good sir.
12 years ago at 9:23 amPosting on TFM while being 25+ is NF.
14 years ago at 5:10 pmSo are you saying that in a few years you won’t ever go on this site when you want a good laugh and to think back on some memorable college days? Every fraternity gentleman has the right to enjoy this site. You must be some geed that has no respect for your elders.
14 years ago at 5:42 pmhaving a grammatical error in your nickname=NF
14 years ago at 9:49 pmYou are a completely classless effing POS.
14 years ago at 11:37 pmFrattiesburg, maybe it’s not a grammatical error. Maybe he’s saying he’s the poor that belongs to you.
14 years ago at 1:19 am+1 Frataholic.
14 years ago at 12:14 amcongratulations. we know you’ll raise him well
14 years ago at 9:45 pmCongratulations to you and your family, Sir.
14 years ago at 11:36 pmCongrats!
14 years ago at 12:49 amAs long as you instill the ideals of a gentleman, nice move.
14 years ago at 4:35 amFrat on, Tyler. Frat on.
14 years ago at 3:11 pmI hope your kid keeps his Facebook on private.
14 years ago at 1:27 amMarrying your college slampiece, buying her a Lexus with money you make, your first born being a son, dressing him in Oxfords and Weejuns,and buying 5 houses around the campus so you can rent to only KAs is FaF. However, in my case, planning to do it while you’re in college and actually doing it when you graduate is as FaF as it gets. BROlo dolo and YourPoor…your future wife will always wish they married a true Fraternity Man as opposed to your bitch ass.
14 years ago at 8:44 amWho cares how old someone is! If they live to be Fratty and thats there MO then FRAT ON! Old dudes were fratty before we knew what frat was!
14 years ago at 11:25 pm