You can be color blind and still tell the difference between an Auburn fan and and Oregon fan. TFM.

  1. 3,2,1 south should have won

    You can be fully Blind and tell the difference. One side smells like axe body spray and the other side doesn’t smell like a welfare check

    14 years ago at 4:20 am
  2. jew from kalamazoo

    3,2,1 south got raped. the south has tons of people on welfare. tons of fat, sweaty, toothless poors.

    14 years ago at 4:58 am
  3. Blackballed and stupid is no way to go through life

    I don’t think that describes EITHER of them…

    14 years ago at 5:06 am
  4. Master Fratchief

    Because all of the Auburn fans look like a bunch of cargo short wearin GDIs?

    14 years ago at 6:07 am
    1. In Broc

      No it would be the easily visible difference between Auburn frat stars and the flat bill wearing GDIs

      14 years ago at 9:42 pm
  5. HazeBalls

    yea, can’t you just read what their shirts say? that would probably be the easiest way to tell.

    14 years ago at 5:26 pm
    1. postgradsratty

      If you’re attending the most expensive college football game ever then you probably have teeth. Unless you’re an Oregon GDI, in which case you spent your life’s worth of dental insurance on a ’95 Ford, regular unleaded gas, and a ticket.

      14 years ago at 9:52 pm