Getting the lab instructor to approve Costa Man-o'-Wars as "proper" safety goggles. TFM.

  1. H

    Not only did you manage to pick the most geed pair of Costas ever produced, you also happen to have made up the dumbest bullshit to get on this website. Try harder.

    14 years ago at 5:43 pm
  2. Bush_04

    how about we start another hate tke thread? because man o’ war glasses are fucking terrible

    14 years ago at 1:26 am
    1. Fratvalanche

      agreed might as well wear fuckin Oakleys GEED!… I wear Deep Blues while fishing and Brines in brocial situations…

      14 years ago at 1:33 am
  3. fussyTKE

    Those are only my lab glasses. I wear brine green mirror 580 in the river, fathom blue mirror 580 for offshore, fisch blue mirror 580 to drive and I wear fathom 580P in Afghanistan. I believe in costa 580s

    14 years ago at 11:49 pm
    1. Nitro Hazington

      Your an idiot. Costas arnt on APEL list, if you get hit with an ied costas wont do shit but shatter and rip your eyes out. Good job you probably are not even combat arms let alone infantry. So keep wearing them to and from the DFAC fobbit.

      14 years ago at 9:57 pm
    2. old line state

      his an idiot? i believe you meant “you’re an idiot”, which would make it he’s an idiot. i don’t call people out when they do this normally, but you’re the only idiot here.

      14 years ago at 10:05 pm
    3. Agent Tony DiBrozzo

      Shit talking a protector of our freedom is NF no matter what he does over there. Infantry isn’t everything…

      14 years ago at 11:35 am
  4. Costas? You might as well buy some Oakley knockoffs from a street vendor. Jesus Christ this place is going downhill…

    Get a pair of Smith Vanguards, you fucking geeds.

    14 years ago at 12:17 am