Let’s Get Weird

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It’s Friday, the sun is out (in Austin anyway), and alcohol is readily available in the United States of America, so let’s get weird.

Can someone transcribe these in brail and send it to HelenKellerTFM’s family so that fucker will email me? How fitting, though, that our Commenter of the Week was the same guy who was called out in last week’s very top comment for just basically being shitty and blackball worthy. That was a total coincidence, by the way. I just went back and looked at the comments from last week about 10 minutes ago for the first time.

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A few of you are asking me to bring back the email exchange between broken pledge Karl and his very concerned, overbearing mother. It’s going to happen. I promise. It’s such a lame excuse but I have been crazy busy at work and away from it.

Hit me with comments or questions or what you have going on this weekend.

  1. LazyRican

    Craziest hook up story? Or craziest thing you have done to hook up with somebody?

    8 years ago at 9:48 pm
    1. CanadianB4C0N

      Tore 3 ligaments in my ankle golfing. After surgery convinced every attractive woman I saw I saved a puppy from a shark attack. Even made a fake webpage about it that looked like it came from my local newspaper. Ran that for about a month but then the PT started to really suck and I was out of painkillers.

      8 years ago at 11:57 pm
  2. THSFM

    Just a try hard that read wj cope’s one article “The Art Of Being A Condescending Asshole” and has based his life off of it ever since.

    8 years ago at 9:13 am