Lil Wayne Says Racism Is Dead Because White People Attend His Concerts

    1. Edgar_Allen_Bro24

      Is it possible that they are both right here? I mean good for Wayne for not playing up racism to get publicity and sell records.

      8 years ago at 11:06 am
      1. Jackpittman

        Both sides are right here. Obviously racism is still alive but the blacks play it up too much

        8 years ago at 4:39 pm
  1. InternationalFratStudent

    Didn’t watch it because I didn’t want to risk getting a brain tumor listening to skip bayless talk

    8 years ago at 10:27 am
  2. 1_Rugey_Jentelman

    I’ll never figure out whether he’s level-headed or brain dead… but today supports the former.

    8 years ago at 10:33 am
  3. JakeFromState

    Lil Wayne is something different. But his comments towards Tom Watson, and now this are reasons on why he’s still Okay.

    8 years ago at 10:47 am
  4. barrelsnbrews7

    How come people never say anything about people of color being racist? Is it because whites were brought up to not get so offensive if someone says something negative to you regarding your color? Bc where I grew up in Louisiana we mostly all got along but when there was racism it was blacks against whites I’m not talking about police brutality or anything like that I’m talking about the everyday life of a normal kid.

    8 years ago at 11:36 am
    1. Big Dumb Idiot

      Because in black culture there’s no such thing as personal responsibility. Therefore the lack of father figures, welfare, and the whole snitches get stitches theme.

      8 years ago at 12:06 pm
      1. StockWithFrock

        Even down here in FL you see more white people wary around blacks rather than the opposite. What’s sad is that black people know that they’re being raised improperly yet they don’t seem to want to change because that’s how they were raised and it’s just a cycle. Like you said, lack of personal responsibility. Also black people are rude as fuck and don’t tip.

        8 years ago at 4:08 pm