I have a fratberry but have an iphone charger for when I bring home shackers. TFM.

  1. Fr^t on with my Seersuckers on

    Apple products = gdi material. Being creative and artistic = NF. Trying to express yourself with simplistic products that can’t be customized and can’t do shit for business with = NF.

    14 years ago at 4:03 am
    1. Fr^t on is a seer sucker

      Being retarded and ignoring basic sentence structure= NF
      Calling someone NF for having an apple product when he clearly has a blackberry (except for an iphone charger that’s not even for his own use)= NF.

      14 years ago at 4:08 am
    2. Fr^t on with my Seersuckers on

      To the d-bag who responded to my comment- Last time I checked your sentence structure wasn’t perfect either, specifically referring towards your run on sentence. Just because he has a blackberry doesn’t make his purchase of apple products any different. You’re just mad that you fell for the brainwash propaganda and bought into the apple/mac craze and have one yourself. Go cry in your own self pity and eat some granola, geed.

      14 years ago at 3:14 pm