Knowing the South would win a Rematch. TFM.

    1. Fraton Rouge

      Because this website is really a collection of random slightly amusing quips, and southern pride tends to be seen as fratty by southerners.

      14 years ago at 3:46 pm
  1. StayClassy

    If the South won, would you relish in your superiority before or after your countrymen, both Northern and Southern, were buried?
    A Civil War, regardless of who wins and who loses, is nothing to be proud of. It is something we should try to avoid. If the love of our Fraternities and Sororities is any indication, we have more commonalities than differences.
    Cut the North/South bull shit and start doing what is best for the United States of America.

    14 years ago at 3:02 pm
    1. SouthernByGodsGrace

      Yeah but southerners are the ones with the most pride for this great country. Look at the U.S. armed forces. Every branch of the military is mainly southerners. I’m a proud fucking American and blessed by God to have been born in the south where real men and gentlemen reside.

      14 years ago at 3:11 pm
    2. Frat rolls

      no GWB he survey the entire armed service. And he did it in the south so he’s right obviously

      14 years ago at 3:33 pm
  2. GWB


    fuck you Fraton Rouge.

    14 years ago at 3:07 pm
  3. Total Boss Move

    the only asset your region produces is talented high school football players. Outside of that commodity, and aside from a small percentage of old slave owning families, you are the bulk of our medicaid and welfare spending. get a job or please get out.

    I like texas though, texas can stay.

    14 years ago at 3:08 pm
    1. Frattletrap

      Okay let’s see, I’m pretty confident you’re lumping stereotypes. I’m sure many northern states have just as many welfare beneficiaries or unemployed individuals as most of the south. You’re assuming every southerner is an ignorant fuck right? The civil war happened in the 1860’s. There still exist pockets of racism, but there are no slave owning families. We have an extremely large agricultural and manufacturing sector, and over 75% of the PVC produced in the U.S. comes from Louisiana. Yes, that goes into vinyl siding, many plastics, and a large portion of medical equipment. So next time you need a life-saving IV, why don’t you go fuck yourself?

      14 years ago at 7:38 pm
    2. Frataholic

      Texas wouldn’t want to stay in such a world. And you might take some responsibility for places like Detroit before you blame all that on the south. Or possibly the geed President that passed all those “entitlement” programs in the first place. The bulk of southerners that do fall into that category are decedent from some who were otherwise employed before the war of northern aggression changed that equation.

      14 years ago at 7:46 am
  4. Fratman and Robin

    what factual data would lead you to that conclusion? i call shenanigans.

    14 years ago at 3:10 pm
    1. Fraton Rouge

      the fact that southerners represent a larger portion of the armed services than the north.

      14 years ago at 5:35 pm
    2. GWB

      I hope you know that pretty much all of our Nukes are located in fucking North Dakota. So speaking technically, if anyone wanted to secede North Dakota would proliferate the shit out of us.

      14 years ago at 5:46 pm