Knowing the South would win a Rematch. TFM.

  1. sgt donnie donowitz

    The south would get hazed the shit out of….again. Also, would you be fighting to keep slavery this time as well?

    14 years ago at 3:40 pm
  2. 1871

    so happy to see that after more than a century, you low-life scum still think that there was something noble or heroic about the civil war, instead of realizing it was nothing more then a war of racism, ignorance and hate.

    i am from the south, and i am proud of the fact that we lost the civil war – otherwise backwards folk like you would still be running things here.

    14 years ago at 3:54 pm
    1. Frattiesburg

      You are a fucking idiot. Are you retarded? It was a war of independence, the Confederacy wanted to achieve its own sovereignty. Yes, slavery played a role, among many other factors: especially economics. Racism, ignorance, and hate? You sound like Al Sharpton you fucktard. Think before posting. Educate yourself.

      I’m neither proud nor ashamed that the South lost. It’s history that happened 150 years ago.

      14 years ago at 4:02 pm
    2. Bobby Fratlantino

      It is every state’s constitutional right to secede if they so choose to. The Civil War, although feuled partially by the slave industry, started initially with the presidential election of 1860 when Abraham Lincoln was elected. South Carolina did not agree with that decision, so they acted upon one of their constitutional rights and seceded from the union. Abraham Lincoln is the one who broke laws by then sending soldiers down to “take back” South Carolina, which from the second they seceded was its own entity and therefore, the act of sending soldiers in was invasion. The Confederacy stood up for what they believed in, whether it is deemed ethical by todays standards or not.

      Suck it, bitch.

      14 years ago at 4:18 pm
    3. BB Bro

      South Carolina=Own Entity
      Own Entity=Not part of the USA
      South Carolina=Not part of the USA
      Fighting against the USA=enemy of the USA
      Enemy of the USA=NF
      South Carolina=fighting against the USA
      South Carolina=Enemy of the USA

      Therefore, South Carolina=NF

      14 years ago at 5:23 pm
    4. Bropenhagen

      Bobby Fratlantino: that seemed like such an educated and well put together argument… until you closed with “suck it, bitch.”

      14 years ago at 5:50 pm
    5. GWB

      Jesus christ what will I do if my country isn’t FaF? Thats what I worry about most in America.

      14 years ago at 5:58 pm
    6. AboveTheLaw

      Stellar reasoning there, BB Bro, except the part where not being part of the USA was the equivalent of fighting the USA; thus, voiding the latter half of your argument and rendering you an ignorant fuck.

      14 years ago at 6:13 pm
    7. Zebe

      If any state in the Union seceded their economy would fail entirely, well except Texas.

      14 years ago at 7:32 pm
    8. Frataholic

      Bobby Fratlantino is dead on. If a state cannot secede then everything in the constitution and declaration are a meaningless lie. If that’s true then America is a complete scam.

      As much as I love America, I love the South more. We were legally correct. It’s a shame the concentration of industry and the failure of Europe to come to our aid (like the revolution) ended that war in favor of force over freedom.

      14 years ago at 7:57 am
  3. Bill Bromanowski

    You sound like all the fans whose teams didn’t make the Super Bowl…” No, you should not be playing in that game”

    14 years ago at 4:03 pm
  4. Fraton Rouge

    Man, y’all need to lighten up. no I am not for another civil war, or slavery. Nor am i going around burning crosses.

    14 years ago at 4:15 pm
    1. Say_NO_to_Cargo

      HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I love how Frattiesburg pretty much blamed the south’s high poverty rate on minorities. “Nice” cop out.

      14 years ago at 10:35 pm
  5. Frat rolls

    Fraton Rouge- you are just guessing when you say that the military is mostly southerners,

    Texas is not a souther state bro, texas is texas. And after living in VA for 9 years I wouldn’t throw that in there either. but by your reasoning Montana and Guam are FaF. and don’t use people that you are not apart of to back up your “TFM’s” the majority of the military comes from low income which i’m assuming being poor is NF, and a large portion of the officers in the army follow after their fathers. Military people don’t claim regions in the country they are just military families. don’t just say shit because it makes you sound cool.

    14 years ago at 6:57 pm
    1. Fraton Rouge

      So two states that are southern in geography, and were part of the confederacy, one being the birthplace of Robert E Lee, aren’t Southern? And those statistics are per capita. has 178,000 people meaning they have less than 250 people in the military. I guess your too stupid to really understand statistics.

      14 years ago at 12:37 am
  6. SocoAndSopro

    The north vs. South debate should be over. We are all apart of the greatest fucking country on earth. Dont get me wrong, im proud as shit to be from the south. But The war should be between the conservatives and those god damn liberals. The civil war is over and there won’t be another one(at least for a good long while).

    14 years ago at 7:48 pm