I haven't talked to my dad in 4 years without talking to one of his secretaries first. TFM.

  1. Sir Fratsalot

    Your father treats you like a GDI. If this was a true frat move, you would have your father’s direct line on speed dial.

    14 years ago at 1:58 pm
  2. fratgrenade

    doesnt surprise me that the invention of extension numbers hasnt reached louisiana

    14 years ago at 4:49 pm
    1. fratgrenade

      Southern Proper Lady? Please go back to the kitchen…I know how to make stupid unoriginal comments too. And just cause I’m not a redneck doesn’t mean I’m from Jersey Shore, but I’m glad your knowledge of the US doesn’t extend past what you’ve seen on TV.

      “You have now arrived in Louisiana, please turn your clocks back 12 years.”

      14 years ago at 5:23 am