The Aggie fans and their 12th man. NF. The Tiger fans and their 12 packs. TFM.

  1. Yep

    12 packs? Are you going to carry all 12 of them to your Prius in your cargo shorts? Get some cases or a keg, GDI.

    14 years ago at 12:16 am
  2. sir frattalot

    They have 12 packs because thats what they can stuff into their cargo pockets. Those GDI kitty cats are about to get fucking destroyed

    14 years ago at 12:19 am
    1. Southern by the grace of God

      Those “GDI kitty cats” are hazing the shit out of y’all. Good job, boss.

      14 years ago at 3:56 am
    1. SETX Fratstar

      Coming from the guy who guys to Texas State I bet. I am not saying we frat as hard as SEC but we try our best. So don’t talk shit when you go to a fake school.

      14 years ago at 2:25 am
  3. House BROken

    How can a good conservative school in Texas be so geedish?
    Even the liberal enclaves of Oregon and Colorado have more members that go Greek than TAMU!

    14 years ago at 6:58 am
  4. its spelled "go" not geaux

    horrendous TFM…
    when yall actually come down to College Station and see our Fraternities then you’d know we frat just as hard as yall do in the SEC

    14 years ago at 7:21 am
    1. LSUFratDaddy

      CS is the armpit of TX. Dont even compare it to fratting in the SEC. Everyone seems to think CS is the greatest college town in texas for some reason..

      14 years ago at 11:22 pm
  5. 12th Man

    First of all are you saying Aggies don’t drink? Guess what we have kegs and cases asshole. Also A&M may not have as many frat stars,but we sure as hell don’t have near as many geeds as most other schools (UT)

    14 years ago at 7:26 am