I consider the University of South Carolina the real USC. TFM.

    1. fratty light

      Dumbass, it would be the University of Southern California that would get mad. Not knowing your colleges=NF.

      14 years ago at 10:51 pm
    2. Spurrier@ARMS

      @fratty light – dumbass have you not read the posts? there are equally if not MORE clemPson people posting than there are southern CAL pussies

      14 years ago at 8:58 am
    3. Spurrier@ARMS

      not knowing that rivalries in state breed hatred = NOT FUCKING FRAT …. fratty light you are not fucking frat you stupid ass gdi geed

      14 years ago at 8:59 am
  1. Frat

    the true USC is more relevant to the SEC that what ever south carolina school you are talking about is

    14 years ago at 10:30 pm
  2. 1851

    Ok let’s be honest USC is the University of Southern California. Being the richest and most conservative school in California and being surrounded by some of the hottest girls alive? TFM

    14 years ago at 10:59 pm
    1. The South

      being the most conservative college in California is like being the coolest guy wearing cargo shorts. Its not saying much.

      14 years ago at 11:07 pm
    2. Fratmaster D

      I’m not sure that people realize that USC has traditionally been very conservative. It also has an incredible amount of trust-fund babies. I know that fraternity life is vastly different here, but I don’t think that the southern fratstars give USC enough credit. It is definitely the closest you will get to a southern fraternity experience above the Mason Dixie Line.

      14 years ago at 11:25 pm
    3. southern srat

      being the richest/most conservative school in california is like being the smartest retard.

      and even if 2% of the girls are good looking, 99% of the guys are GDI liberal fucks.

      i’ll take a fratshag and VV any day over spiked hair and a striped abercrombie polo with white costas. got it braaahhh?

      14 years ago at 12:42 am
    4. Fratwall Jackson

      Most conservative school in california is like being the fastest kid in the special olympics…It’s an accomplishment but still not legit

      14 years ago at 1:08 am
    5. God bless the south

      The hottest women alive live next to southern gentlemen in the south, nothing compares to being a member of the Order and having good southern girls loving, california girls can’t touch the south TFM

      14 years ago at 7:40 am
    6. DixielandDelight

      yea i’m so jealous of the order, i would totally give up my ass cherry to be a member. your ego is already bloated enough, just stick to southern girl, no need to flaunt your fraternity. or i mean, excuse me, the order. forgive me.

      14 years ago at 9:35 am
    7. Frat Dye

      Being the most conservative school in the state of California is not saying that much. The state as a whole is a bunch of fudge packing homo lovers and gdi hippies, because of this nothing about California ( including your “conservative” school) is fratty.

      14 years ago at 9:36 am
    8. Marcus Frattimore

      Being the most conservative school in CA is like winning the gold medal at the special olympics.

      14 years ago at 9:38 am
    9. southern srat

      uhhh “fratmaster D”….did you really say “mason dixie line”??? ……considering the fact that it’s actually the Mason-Dixon line, CLEARLY you have NO perception of what a southern frat/srat experience even consists of. you say usc is conservative…..i can confidently conclude that you have NO idea what you are talking about, which actually goes for everyone that tries to validate a point in CA.

      14 years ago at 11:43 am
  3. srat

    I go to Clemson but I know that the University of South Carolina was a school before California was even a state. And it’s in the South. Who cares about California?

    14 years ago at 11:08 pm
  4. Frats McGhee

    I think it’s fucking hilarious that a Trojan and a cock always fight over this.

    14 years ago at 11:15 pm
    1. Frat Bitches, Make TrustFunds

      I don’t believe in Trojans… Or any rubbers for that matter. TFM.

      14 years ago at 1:37 am
    1. QuaestorialEmbezzlement

      Furman is the only University “worth a shit in South Carolina”. Learn how to spell and get back to fucking your sister you state school neanderthal. Private school till I die.

      14 years ago at 11:11 am
    1. In Broc

      Canada? you must be shitting me …Canada hasn’t been relevant in ….wait hold on i’ll think of it in a second…I’m close…..nope nevermind … Canada has never been relevant …you are America’s red-headed step child

      14 years ago at 11:58 pm
    2. South

      Stop kidding yourself. There are no fraternities in Canada. Cold weather and french canadian accents= absolutely NF.

      14 years ago at 12:23 am

      Some please tell me this is a joke , I have been to Canada before it’s a dirty filthy place filled with bums an low class people who over use the word “Eh”.

      14 years ago at 12:25 am
    4. Frat Trick

      Look up Canadian tuxedos compared to American tuxedos and tell me who’s more frat…

      14 years ago at 1:25 am
    5. Frat Bitches, Make TrustFunds

      His name is “bro”… Mylifeisbro is a different website buddy

      14 years ago at 1:37 am
    6. Lafayette, BROisiana

      I worked for our HQ over the summer. Our Canadian chapters suck. And at our assembly this summer, I met some Canadian dudes. They aren’t anything more than glorified GDI’s.

      14 years ago at 6:10 am
  5. fraternity man

    Maybe if South Carolina didn’t want to be So. Cal so hard I would agree. But Steve Spurrier riding in on a horse like the Trojans do and all the South Carolina kids trying to make their school abbreviation USC = NF. South Carolina is just a bunch of wannabe fratstars. They try to be USC for football, and they suck on the dicks of Alabama’s fraternity guys.

    14 years ago at 11:29 pm
    1. Marcus Frattimore

      I don’t try to make my school’s abbreviation USC, my school’s abbreviation IS USC. And when in God’s name has Spurrier ever ridden in on a horse?

      14 years ago at 2:13 pm

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