VIDEO: LSU Fan Gets Knocked The Fuck Out At Tailgate


It’s starting to get testy down in Baton Rogue. These historically friendly cajun folks seem to be having a tough time adjusting their expectations after the hopes and dreams of another national championship were broken in half and tossed by the wayside week 1 at Lambeau Field like an empty crawdaddy carcass at an all-you-can-eat boil. Just take a look for yourself.

A video posted by Dillon Breaux (@yeabreaux) on

Rock Bottom. Population: Purple Polo.

Getting knocked out by a dude wearing a football jersey is brutal in its own right. But to then have the entire crowd surrounding you erupt with elation and dump beer over your lifeless body? That’s unrecoverable. This poor kid will never be the same. Best case scenario, he’s still suffering ‘Nam flashbacks fifty years from now, convulsing in his sleep dreaming of that pure right hook. And that’s being overly optimistic. I’m thinking this has the same affect as those urban legends you hear about with the bad acid trip, where he wakes up and thinks he’s a glass of orange juice. Tough times ahead for Sunny Delight.

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  1. NatturdayinFrathens

    The worst part is the dude in the white who tried to punch him when he wasn’t looking and still got taken down.

    8 years ago at 3:34 pm
    1. FrayettevilleLegend

      And the guy in the jersey was so drunk he couldn’t even stand up straight. It’s just embarrassing all the way around.

      8 years ago at 7:18 pm
      1. Cory_and_Trevor

        False, being too drunk to stand up straight and still knocking a kid out and stuffing his buddy’s cheap shot is FAF

        8 years ago at 11:20 pm
  2. Bro-hann Sebastian Bach

    All we’re missing now is an in bar hookup of some kind for the lsu gameday trifecta. That’s the three team parlay lock of the week.

    8 years ago at 3:41 pm